The past...

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(Just the past in small fragments as Molten or well that's not his actual name but the story will get to that)

Molten Freddy's POV

     I snaked out of my room and stared at Madtrap. There is something about him other than the fact he is William. I finally had control of my own body, but I felt hollow and I didn't feel happy... I flipped my oddly ruined suit out of my wires and flicked a few buttons on my arm. I put my suit back in my wires and smiled. I had changed my eye color temporarily until I think Rockstar Freddy will love me for who I am. I eyed Madtrap for a moment, then darted to mine and Rockstar Freddy's room. I crawled into our room slower than I had to get to the room. I hopped in bed and nestled close to him. He wrapped his paws around my torso almost instantly. I haven't felt this happy since... Wait. I've never been happy before this... I shuddered away the thought and kissed Rockstar Freddy.

     I held my paws out to a small blue purple and white bear who happily took them and we danced. No one was around. Just me and the other bear. I smiled, happy to have the bear near me as I put my paws on their hips. We held onto each other, like if we let go we would lose each other forever. Everything changed and then...

     I woke up and hissed which startled Rockstar Freddy who pulled me closer to him. "Honey-Bear what's wrong?" He asked and I blushed a dark red at the nickname. "I- I'm fine love," I smiled. It was real but it didn't look real. The smile looked sad. He looked at me quizzically and I said "I saw someone in my dream. I don't know them, hell, I don't even know their gender!" I suddenly said as I slipped my head under Rockstar Freddy's arm. I snuggled up to him and Henry threw open the door causing me to jump and yelp. "GET OUT OF BED, BITCHES! IT'S TIME TO EAT BREAKFAST!" Henry yelled at us. I growled and turned away from the door. I quietly hummed a song that I didn't even recognize, as I heard Henry run downstairs and make a ruckus. I shook my head. I thinking that I was going crazy. "Can I trust you... With anything, Rocksty?" I asked quietly. He nodded and I shifted my wires to allow my suit to come out of my wires and make my body as solid as possible. "I don't think I am... who I think I am... If that makes any sense," I mumbled and I flipped one of the switched on my arm. My eye color faded from the orangy-yellow to a bright lime.

     A flash of a memory confused me for a moment. "My name is Lavabear?? I think..." I flicked my ears and yawned burrowing my face into my boyfriend's chest, falling asleep once more.

A Simp and a Pimp! (Molten Freddy X Rockstar Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now