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Rio Oshi-Ii sauntered out from the entrance of the Spider's Lair and into the metal foyer, pep to his step, and a twinkle in the eyes of his Celestial Nighthawk helm as he looked over the data slate in his hand.

"Ooh Selena, my girl, we are eating good tonight!" he chortled as the elegant, Sanctified Vigilance Shell of his Ghost hovered over his shoulder.

"Where should we eat at, hm?" Rio asked his thumb tapping against the slate. "That corner deli in the Tower with the view you like? Ristorante de Cataline? Or that noodle shop for old times sake?"

"Rio..." his Ghost tilted, a series of concerned clicks coming from her shell as she hovered there. 'Do you honestly think now is a good time to celebrate, when you just deceived one of your closest allies?"

The sigh that echoed from Rio as he let his hand fall and his head stare up at the ceiling was deep, and long.

"Aight then." the Hunter huffed, refusing to look at her as he went back to tapping at the slate. "Guess I'm picking dinner tonight."

Selene's optic narrowed as she floated in front of his face:

"What do you think her reaction will be when she realizes the truth?"

"She's not gonna find out!" Rio snapped, finally looking up at the Ghost. "Cause ain't nobody gonna tell her, right?"

"Mira-3 is clever and resourceful, it's why you picked her as your student." Selene rejoined. "You don't play around with dumb, isn't that right, my Guardian?"

"Mira's not that smart!" Rio shot back, then let out a huff of exasperation as he paused to think.

Rio hated it when his Ghost got all haughty like this, trying to mind check him, like she was his mother or morale compass or something. Trying to reason with her was a battle itself, and sometimes Rio wondered if she was his worst enemy instead of all the monsters out in the system that tried to tear him apart. But Selene, Selene knew how to cut him deep and get him where it really hurt. His Ghost was a drag but he needed her, and sometimes he wished she just had his back when he wanted to play dirty.

Pocketing the data slate, Rio placed his hands on his hips and turned his bird-like helm back to face his Ghost:

"Listen, Selene." he began evenly. "Even IF Mira figures out that I used her to kill Krieg off for Spider to get at his Ghost, so what, doesn't matter. All I did was do her and the System a favor. We both know that Krieg had gone true Dredgen and his Ghost was loyal to him, they never woulda stopped until Mira and anyone else on their hit-list was dead!"

Rio paused and glanced down at his feet.

"Besides, Krin is still...sorta alive... under Spider's care," he reasoned, gesturing with his fingers. "If Mira feels one way about it, hell, she can negotiate the Ghost's freedom, but my point is ...There's one less murderous Guardian in the universe now, one less chance there'll be another one, and Mira and Murdock are safe, and well compensated for their suffering because of what I DID."

Rio glared at his Ghost and then threw his arms out.

"Now, can we eat dinner in peace?"

Selene hovered there quietly, her shell shifting in contemplation and, for a moment, Rio thought he had won her over.

Then she spoke.

"My Guardian, I never questioned your motives." she said somberly. "I am afraid of what Mira-3 will do when she realizes you have betrayed her confidence."

This time Rio groaned in near physical pain as his hands clawed at his helmeted face and slid down to tug at his crimson cloak in angst.

"RRR-NOTHING!" Rio roared as he whirled on her. "Mira ain't gonna do jack! Because she needs me, and this conversation is OVER!"

The Hunter snatched his Ghost out of the air and held her firmly in his hands, looming over her. Despite the tiniest of movements from her reticle, Selene was perfectly still and calm in his grasp, as if she held no sense of fear. Rio's shoulder's rose and fell as he took a deep breath and his voice lowered.

"Take us to orbit, now." he demanded.

Selene's gaze softened as she stared up at him, "Guardian, you know I am an old Ghost and when I speak it is only out of the wisdom of concern for you."

"You're a damn hag!" Rio shook her slightly in frustration. "Orbit! Now!"

It was his Ghost's turn to sigh, "As you wish, my Guardian."

In a ripple of bright, white light, Rio's form disapperated from existence in the hallowed alcove outside of Spider's lair, but in the shadows just below the steps, something stirred. A figure molded from the darkness, stepping out just into the light from where they had been standing. The hood over his head obscured most of his face where it could not be seen, but a set of glittering Awoken eyes peered out curiously from the depths within. The blazing emboss of a white, stylized spider across the cowl draped over his chest came into view as he stepped further into the light to look up at where Rio had been standing. He lingered there for a moment, as if contemplating what he just witnessed, then turned and headed back into the dark depths of the Spider's inner sanctum.

[True Terminus]

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