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"we're going to do some training"


"what but sensei we haven't got time for training if zabuza is still alive" Sakura queried really confused "no if zabuza is still alive then he would have to wait for his wounds to heal, we have exactly three days so let's get to work"

*time skip*

"sensei, why are we in the forest? And what training are we doing?" kakashi-sensei sighed while leaning on the crutches that were given to him to help him move around alone "you are going to learn how to climb a tree" he said seriously "learn how to climb a tree?" Naruto looked suspicious "exactly" "sensei you can't be serious" "just watch" kakashi-sensei said as he started walking up the tree without using his hands "this exercise is to help you control your chakra and how to keep a steady flow while walking up the tree, too little and you won't stick, too much and you'll break the tree simple as that"

I look up at Kakashi-sensei before focusing my chakra on the bottoms of my feet and end up walking steadily up the tree with my eyes closed before reaching a high branch and sitting on it before looking below me to see Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto Looked shocked "what? I just did what Kakashi-sensei said to do" "very well done y/n" he smiled at me with his eyes closed "sensei I am not a five-year-old" I say as Sakura called me from a couple branches below "Sasuke look I did it too" she started squealing.

'Hmm, it seems that both girls have good chakra control while the boys..... Not so much' he sweat dropped as he threw two kunai at Sasuke's and Naruto's feet "sensei you should go back to the house and rest, I can watch over these two if you want" "okay and Sakura instead of just sitting there go and protect tazuna at the bridge" she looked at Kakashi as if he was asking her to kill someone "but sensei why can't she go and protect tazuna" she whined while pointing and glaring at me "because y/n is more suited for teaching other even though she's younger than you Sakura and besides you get the important mission" she huffed and walked away towards the bridge mumbling about God knows what.

Sensei looked up at me from the bottom of the tree, "are you sure you can handle these two?" I looked down and gave sensei a smile and replied with "sensei trust me I can handle these two, besides you need to rest and let your body recover" he sheepishly smiled back at me before waving goodbye and heading towards the house so that he can rest. I lounged in the tree before hearing Naruto call me from below.

"Hey y/n-chan, can you help me please?" he smiled sillily at me before I sigh and slowly make my way back down the tree "I don't see how you two find it so hard to control your chakra" I asked while facepalming "hey it's hard, alright?" he sulked "it's fine. So imagine the points in your feet as small puddles, focus chakra to those puddles and keep a steady flow. As sensei said too little of an amount and you won't stick, too much of an amount and you'll break the tree" I re-explained it to him as he seemed to get the idea before smiling and saying "thanks for the help y/n-chan" I nodded and moved back to let him continue trying to climb it.

*At the bridge (Sakura's POV)*

'hmm it's not fair why do I have to be here but she gets to stay with Sasuke-kun' "say mister tazuna why are we in the town?" he looked at me "take a look around, there's nothing here for us because of gato but if we finish the bridge then we'll be connected to the mainland and be able to get away from gato and his men"

"I'll let kakashi-sensei know about this" he looked at me thankfully "thank you for the help you've provided so far"

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