Disney (Part two)

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[Nathan has entered the chatroom]
[Stacey has entered the chatroom]
[Tarene has entered the chatroom]
[Toni has entered the chatroom]
[Leo has entered the chatroom]
[Sam has entered the chatroom]

Tarene: why does Disney always kill the mother?

Nathan: they don't always kill the mother.

Toni: Little Mermaid- Dead Mom.

Stacey: Aladdin- Two dead moms

Toni: Finding Nemo- murdered before everyone's eyes in the beginning.

Nathan: okay, okay, you have a point.

Sam: in the Lion King they killed the father through.

Leo: and in Bambi, his mom got shot in the face.

Tarene: very tragic indeed.

Stacey: only thing sadder is Loki's father-son relationship.

[Laura has entered the chatroom]

Laura: you mentioned my father?

Sam:.....how in the world did you hear us?

Laura: well, you mentioned my father's name and I happened to be nearby. Now what are we saying about my father?

Tarene: she has really good hearing.

Nathan: uh huh, anyway we were saying that the only thing sadder than Disney murdering deer is your Father's relationship skills.

Laura: -_-

[Laura has left the chatroom]

Stacey: that's not exactly what I said

Nathan: it got her to leave didn't it?

Stacey: well yeah, but

Nathan: hush. That's all that matters.

Toni: okay then, moving on.

Sam:....who hates Frozen?

Nathan: me.

Toni: GET IT OUT!! GET IT OUT!! Get this song out of my head!! Get it out!! Get it out!! I'll sing anything else instead!!

Toni: that's a yes, by the way,I'm hate Frozen.

Sam: same here. The other guy hates it a lot.

Leo: my dad said Disney wasn't like this when he was a kid.

Nathan: your dad's old enough to be your great-grandfather.

Toni: technically anyway.

Stacey: I made this guy I was trying to kill watch Frozen. He's dead now, but that's not important.

Sam: O.o

Toni: O.O

Tarene: Laura quite likes Frozen.

Nathan: why, cause it makes her feel better about her sucky life?

Tarene: shrug.

Leo: probably.

Sam: you know, all of Elsa problems could've been solved if she went to the Professor school for gifted children.

Toni: no kidding. Her problems were like, Bobby Drake.

[Bobby has entered the chatroom]

Bobby: I am not singing let it go.

[Bobby has left the chatroom]

Toni: well okay then.

Tarene: I do not see why she stayed locked up in her room. Like, how did she eat? Did Anna not sneak in then?

Stacey: I would. Plus, ice powers are cool.

Nathan: and about shooting the sister thing. Look on the bright side!! She's alive and has a white streak in her hair.

Sam: apologize, be more careful, and move along!! That's what I do.

Stacey: you also smash things, so I'm not sure if Elsa and you can relate.

Leo: I find it sad we're trying to find logic in a Disney movie.

Toni:...yeah. That is sad.

[Chatroom has been disbanded]

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