Part 1: Waiting on the Reef

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[Disclaimer: Destiny and any canon characters mentioned within are Copyright © Bungie, Inc. All Right Reserved. This fan publication is Copyright © 2021 by Vittoria St Martin. No portion of this fanfiction work, including the original characters and their monikers within, may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission from Vittoria St Martin. For requests please contact Vittoria St Martin.]

"He's late, again."

"He's always late, Guardian."

         A small metallic sigh huffed from the harrowing figure standing on the edge of the asteroid rock as the glowing, cycloptic eye of her Holdfast mask gazed out into the brilliant nebula beyond. Shrouded completely in her purple Empyrean cloak, the horns atop her cowl standing out against the strange atmosphere of the Tangled Shore, Mira-3 stood there waiting, her image like that of some hellish devil, poised and watchful. The sounds of Guardians transmatting in behind her went unnoticed by the Hunter as they, in kind, paid her no attention swiftly running off, or summoning a sparrow to speed towards an unknown destination. The Exo frowned behind her mask; it seemed everyone had a destination these days but her. A deep purring sensation suddenly reached her ears, and Mira perked up as she felt something nuzzle against her neck.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be along soon, Guardian, or maybe he's already here fooling around somewhere?"

The Hunter relaxed and could almost feel her Ghost's reticle looking up at her from where he nestled within her hood.

"Perhaps you're right, Murdock." she mused, nuzzling his shell with the side of her head, causing him to purr louder. "Let's go see if we can find what that Rat is up to?"

Turning on her heel, the Hunter's purple cape fluttered around her as she made for the entrance to the Spider's Lair.

         Truth be told, the stronghold of the Tangled Shore's Baron was indeed everything that Mira-3 had imagined it would be from all the stories that she had been told, and dirtier. There was an ominous pressure in the gloomy lit hallways leading to the large Eliksni's inner sanctum that had nothing to do with the incessant rattling of the massive ether pipes. In a place where deals were made, goods were exchanged, and in many cases lives hung in the balance, the energy of that clung to the very walls. Pausing for a moment as she descended a staircase to look around, the Hunter took a moment to ensure she was alone and carefully lifted her mask, then sniffed.

         A strange scent hung in the air, one the Exo was not familiar with, and one she allowed to drift into her olfactory sensors simply for the curiosity of sampling it. There were the usual smells of damp, grime, rust from the pipes and metals, and the unmistakable stench of ether. However the strange smell Mira focused on had the same base that came with being near a den of Eliksni yet something else was intermingled with it, like decadent cologne, and something Mira knew the smell of all too well.

The smell of fear.

The Exo secured her helmet, yellowish light flashing across the lens of her Holdfast Mask, and proceeded deeper into the Sanctum.

         NVoices drifted up from a large chamber ahead, one heavily guarded by Eliksni wearing what Mira thought to be the most ridiculous amount of spiked armor she had ever seen on any one set of creatures in her lifetime. Yet, there the Dreg's stood with staves tipped with electrified blades, but fortunately, the guards had not noticed her quiet approach. Instead their gaze was focused on the individuals, a pair of Warlocks, standing in the center of the room, speaking to something up on the back wall. The Hunter tip-toed closer and listened, immediately passing their conversation off as they discussed some kind of bounty.

Then she heard it.

          As she neared the entrance to the chamber, the sound of Rio's voice came filtering out from a side corridor just to the left. Mira paused weighing her options. She could pull out her Ghost and ask him to relay a transmission to Rio, but the thought of exposing Murdock here was out of the question. Or, she could simply walk in as if she was meant to be here. Her gaze drifted back towards the Warlocks still discussing amongst themselves; if Guardians were allowed to come and go as they pleased, and Rio was allowed to go into that hallway, certainly Mira could also?

"No matter what happens, Murdock, you stay hidden." she whispered over her shoulder.

Deciding to take her chances, Mira-3 stood up, pulled her cloak tight around herself and walked into the chamber.

         The guards took notice of her immediately when she entered, the plethora of beady dots that served as eyes in their helmets locking onto her as the light of the chamber fell upon her graceful form. The Hunter forced herself to take careful, purposeful movements as she turned and headed for the hallway to the left, focusing solely on her destination. The Warlocks suddenly stopped talking and Mira heard them turn in her direction, but she kept walking; she was almost to the hallway. Each step she took seemed to echo in her ears, her senses were hyper focused; just a little further.

Then a set of staves criss crossed her path, the arc infused blades crackling as a set of guards rushed up on either side of her, and the Hunter froze mid-step.

There was a deep, echoing pull from an ether rebreather then a terrible voice filled the chamber:

"And just where do you think you are going, Little Hunter?"

[To be Continued...]

Oh Kell of MineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora