First day

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Amelia's POV

My first day of residency here at Johns Hopkins. I can't wait to see start working and getting some blood on my hands. All my sisters and my brother went to med school and became doctors, it is in our blood. I already know what specialty I am going to choose. My older brother Derek is a neurosurgeon and that is what I want to do too.

I entered the hospital and went to the interns locker room. There were a lot of guys and only a few other female interns. I went to find an empty locker and put on my scrubs. I heard someone calling my name and went to my resident. I was assigned to someone called Dr. Beckx and followed her down the hall along with some of other interns.

We arrived in the ER or as we like to call it 'the pit'. Our resident explained the protocols and took us to a trauma room where our first patient was. We were all responsible for the this one patient all having our own part to do. I was assigned to go get her a head-CT and to page the head of neuro. I took the patient to CT getting a little lost. I ran into another intern, quite literally. I apologized and looked at her badge to search for her name.

"I am so sorry... euhm Arizona."

"Oh no problem Amelia." She said looking at my badge. "First day too?"

"Yea and as you may have noticed I am a little lost here. Do you know how to get to CT?"

"I'll walk with you, follow me."

We arrived about 5 minutes later and got the patient in the CT-machine. Arizona left to go back to her resident giving me a last smile as a goodbye.

"What do we have here?" The neuroattending asked while the scans came up. "You see this? " he pointed at the screen. "She has a brain bleed that needs to be evacuated. Let's book an OR and I'll see you up there."

I called up to the OR letting them know we were coming up. We arrived at the OR and the neurosurgeon asked me if I wanted to scrub in. I didn't hesitate and started scrubbing in. We went in and he made the first cut.

The bleeding was stopped perfectly and I was amazed by the way he did it so smoothly. We scrubbed put and I went to do the postoperative exam on the patient. Everything was perfect, she woke up and her neuro exam showed that all was good.

Arizona's POV

I went up to the gallery to see if Amelia got her patient settled in. I sat down and looked around the OR locking eyes with her. She gave me a big smile, she was clearly very excited to be scrubbing in. I gave her a big smile and put my thumbs up for good luck. I watched the whole surgery and when she finished I went down to the locker room and waited for her to come in. Amelia walked in and smiled at me. From that moment I had made one friend here in the hospital.

"Do you want to go for drinks down the street later to celebrate your moment on the OR?" I asked looking at her.

"Yea I'm in, I'll see you later then."

We both went to check on our patients for the last time today and met in the lobby and went to the bar down the street.

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