I have been here before

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*A/N ok so here it finally is, the long awaited update! Once again I'm sorry for letting you wait so long. I'll do my best to update more frequently again now that i have some time again. Thank you for being so patient while i was gone. Enjoy the story!

Once I made my way back in the store I came out of, before the shooting started, I looked for a place to hide. Kind of lucky I just came out of a furniture store so I had plenty of places to hide but I know none of them will protect me from the possibility of getting shot today. I make my way though the store and see other people freezed up in the middle of a rayon and a little girl sitting alone. I tell the people I pass to go hide and then grab the little girl and run to a big closet and go sit in it with her. She looks at me with the most scared look on her face and it takes me back to the day my dad died. I felt the same as this girl here with me, helpless and really scared just wanting everything to stop and go back to normal but I know my life never was the same after that day and now hers will be changed forever too. I tell the girl to stay quiet and hold her tight in my arms trying to make her feel as safe as possible. I myself too am really scared being filled with flash backs and an overwhelming feeling of sadness thinking about my dad and that I might have the same faith as him.

Minutes of silence pass and then I hear those awful sounds again. The men made their way in the store and started shooting around the room. I cover the little girl's ears but that also means I cant cover mine. The sound is deafening and I'm so scared I wont make it out of here. Suddenly my mind goes to Arizona and how I haven't had contact with her since she dropped me off at the mall this morning. She must have heard the news and seen the few victims that were already send to the hospital. She must be scared out of her mind, and I get worried about loosing her and how much it'll hurt her if I don't make it out of here alive. I want to call her or send her a quick text to let her know I'm okay but I cant reach my phone without opening the door of the closet and I don't want to draw attention to us. I stay quiet with the girl in my arms and hold her tight keeping her ears covered.

The shooting continues for what I think is about 30 minutes and then they stop. I hear footsteps walking past me and then they get quieter the further they get away. I open the door a little and see the men leave the store and move on to the right. I wait another 20 minutes before I'll even try to make my way out of the closet. I end up staying 30minutes in the closet and then slowly start opening the door putting the girl next to me while I make my way out. I tell her to stay in there until I come get her.

I stand in front of the closet and look around the store in shock. Everywhere I look people are on the ground bleeding for the gunshot wounds. Everywhere I hear screams of people in pain and people that are scared and people screaming for help. I make my way to the person laying the closest to me and check if there is anything I can do for him. I ask the man if he is still with me and if he can tell me where he is hurting so I can see that he is still in good condition despite his injuries. He tells me his leg hurts and I check and that is fortunately the only place he got a shot. I look at the wound and take off my belt to put around his leg so the bleeding will slow down. I look at my phone and call 911 to tell them there is a shooting at the mall and the inform me the paramedics are making their way through the mall. I tell the person on the phone that they need to hurry. I make my way to the front of the store and look around to see if the shooters are still here and good for me they aren't and on the other side of me I see the paramedics making their way to the store. I yell at them to hurry and make my way back in the store and help the other people in the store. I set myself down next to a pregnant woman laying in a pool of blood. She grabs my hand and tells me to safe her baby before I try to safe her. I feel her belly and then try to find the source of the bleeding, she seems to be bleeding from what I believe is her miscarrying from he stress of the event. At that moment the paramedics get in the store and I yell to get here and take this woman to the hospital. They leave the store with the woman and me and the other paramedics get to the other injured people in the store. The second person they leave with is the guy I helped first.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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