Chapter 6: Prophecy

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I sat at a café, a few blocks away from the Apartment Building of Sally Ann Jackson. She arrived there an hour ago with her newborn son; Perseus Achilles Jackson. I still grin at the name.

"Do you want anything else, sweetie?" The waitress asked. "No thanks, I'm all set," I answered, offering a warm smile. She nodded, smiled, and walked away. I took a sip of my espresso, eyes darting around the café.

A man suddenly sat down across from me, a woman next to them. The both had pale skin, black hair, and black eyes. The man was built like a bodybuilder, and wore all black. The woman had an hourglass form, and wore all black as well.

"Very inconspicuous. Now if you wore colors, I would've actually thought you were mortal," I teased. They scowled at me, but not for long. "The veil is on the building. It'll hide him until he's around 3," Erebus said.

"The mother?" I asked. "Clear-Sighted. It was quite tricky getting around her," Nyx answered, frustrated. I smirked, but nodded. "How's the daughter of Zeus?" I asked. "She is fine. Too young to begin. Her brother is in the womb now, 1 week," Nyx explained. I nodded.

"And Hades' Children?" I asked. "They will remain the Casino for a while longer. They are not pawns of fate just yet," Erebus answered.

"Under...2:00," I warned. Nyx stole a glance, and Erebus expanded his senses. "I do not see anything," Erebus said. "Empousa, 4 of them. Crossing," I explained. He nodded, finding them.

"We need a veil," I whispered. The wind picked up, and the mortal eyes glossed over. "Turn their shadows into spikes. Quickly," I ordered. Erebus and Nyx snapped their fingers, and the Empousa were dust.

"Disengage," I ordered. The wind slowed to a gentle breeze, and the mortals returned to normal. The dust was already gone, leaving no suspicion.

"Return to your posts. The Prophecy is coming," I ordered, and we disappeared, the Mist covering our tracks.

Hestia POV:

I stood in the center of New Jersey, writing a symbol with gold chalk. I appeared to be a little girl, around 5, so I wasn't bothered. The image was 2 golden wings, side by side, with a circle in the dead center, and 2 snakes on either side of the circle, connecting at the bottom.

As soon as I was done, my environment started changing. The buildings turned into sand, the roads turned to sandstone, and the sky turned from cloudy gray, to brilliant blue.

The sun was at its peak, and had a wavy effect around it. The air was hot and dry, scorching my body. Luckily, I'm immune to the heat of Egypt. Before me stood 2 massive pillars of sandstone, 150 feet high.

A sandstone bridge went past that into a marble and gold city, surrounded by a pure transparent lake. 2 statues of a jackal-headed giant stood at the pillar's side, arms crossed over their chest, holding a flail in their right hand.

My appearance changed, as I walked towards the gate. My skin darkened to a dark brown, and my age increased to my early 20's. My hair lengthened to mid back, and curled slightly. My clothes changed from modern shirt and pants, to a white loincloth that draped to my feet, exposing my legs, and decorated by gold.

A white bra appeared on my medium C cup breasts, also decorated in gold, along with black marble. A headdress, like that of a Egyptian Queen, appeared on my face, highlighting it. My eyes became pure flames.

A 8 foot tall sand tornado appeared in the center of the gate, a humanoid jackal rising from the ground. He had a jackal head, and fur across is whole body. He wore a white loincloth, similar to mine, decorated in gold.

"Hestia. It has been long since our last encounter," Anubis stated, bowing. "Hello, Anubis, my friend. My apologies for the wait. Is Ra here?" I asked. "He currently resides in the Throne Room. He is in a council meeting," Anubis informed.

I nodded in thanks, and passed by him. "One thing, Lady Hestia. Lord Ra is no longer King of the Gods. His Grandson, Horus, has ascended to that position," Anubis explained. I nodded in thanks, and continued.

The city was pristine, white marble, with gold hieroglyphics indicating which building belongs to which deity. The largest building was straight ahead. The streets were filled with young gods and immortals, and the market was packed.

Many waved to me, and I waved in return. The main building, when walking through the gold doors, was a hall. There were gilded marble benches around, and small rivers, with plants growing alongside them. The ceiling was glass, allowing natural light in, and was 100 meters above.

At the opposite side of the hall, was a T-Intersection, white a golden set of doors in the center of the opposite wall. The Egyptian Throne Room.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my mouth, keeping it shut. Another hand grabbed my stomach, traveling down to my pussy. It began rubbing my lower lips, and I finally got the hand off my mouth. "Hathor, stop," I ordered. The hand receded, and behind me, was a pouting Hathor.

She had the same skin tone, and height. Her hair was brunette, and she had kaleidoscope eyes. Her breasts were DD cup, matching her ass and thighs. From the neck down, she was spotless of hair, and her entire skin was flawless. She wore nothing, exposing her assets to the world.

"You're no fun, Hestia. I can't greet you after 6,000 years of being missing?" Hathor complained. "You can hug me, or you can start a conversation. You can't just go and rub my pussy," I scolded. "Bust Bastet lets me," Hathor whined. I gave her a deadpanned look.

"She's a nudist, bisexual goddess, that normally has orgies with you. That logic is very flawed," I stated. She sighed. "So, why are you here?" Hathor asked. "I'm looking for someone. I was wondering if Ra would know where he is," I replied.

"Maybe. What about Thoth? He is the God of Knowledge, after all," Hathor suggested. "Thanks, Hathor. I'll talk to you later," I said, and made my way to the Throne Room.

Time Skip:

Ra didn't have any information, and it took a while for me to find Thoth. Mostly due to the fact that I was smothered by the others. Thoth was helpful, and annoying. He cared way too much about his intellect than others.

He directed me to Washington, DC. The Washington Monument to be precise. I had to use my golden chalk again, making a cross on each side of the monument, and I'd be brought to his Stepson.

Once I did that, I was falling into a small cave, the ceiling returning to a cave. It had a reddish gray hue, and stalagmites and stalactites littered the walls.

A stone table sat in front of me, with a red skinned, horned demon, and a halo wearing, winged angel. "Hestia, Olympian Goddess of the Hearth, Home, Architecture, Domesticity, Family, and the State. You are unwelcome in purgatory, Goddess. State your purpose of this visit," the demon snarled.

"I am trying to find the Eldritch Primordial, Perseus. Thoth directed me here to find his stepson," I answered. They looked between each other. "An Olympian with ties to Egypt, and Origin. Unheard of," the angel exclaimed. "Impossible," the demon corrected.

"Let her come!" A booming voice ordered. The angel glowed, and I shot up like a rocket. I burst into the clouds, higher than Olympus, seeing a golden city.

"Greetings, Lady Hestia. The Lord has sent me to escort you to his office," a female angel said. She had a flawless face, Sky Blue Eyes, golden blonde hair, and a glowing halo over her head. Her wings were large, white, and puffy, with the tips being razor sharp. "Thanks," I sweetly said, and followed her through the clouds.

In a few moments, we arrived at a common, manager's office, with a window overlooking the city. "The Lord is in there," she said, gesturing to the dark oak doors.

I walked in, and a bright man awaited me. He had white hair, skin, eyes, and clothes. He sat in a business chair, and looked at me. "Hestia, I am Yahweh, Son of Chaos. You may also know me as God," he introduced.

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