epilogue (kind of)

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a few hours later when he had finally succeeded in breaking through the door s locks, Draco saw the bed where they'd played games, gotten drunk, shared secrets, laughed and now where two of his closest friends lay, cold. A scream ripped out of his lungs making students come running.

It was pansy who saw their wrists, both containing an inky 0 and pieced together what had happened

It was Daphne who told Orion what had happened to his brother and hero. Who was there for him to turn to now Theo was gone.

It was Astoria who comforted Draco unable to cope with the loss of people he loved. Their numbers turning to infinities getting lost in the heartbreak and shock that consumed them all.

It was Gregory and Vincent who made sure people left them all alone and organised the funeral

It was Snape who told the school the next morning what had happened. Curiosity about how Blaise had been, turning into shock and horror. Hatred and contempt for the Slytherins, turning into pity a and horror, unable to imagine how they would feel if two members of their house left in such a way.

Surprisingly it was Harry and his Gryffindor's who insisted they had something to remember them by in their last and true home. Dumbledore, unable to deny the wishes of his favourite house and the chosen one, agreed to place a plaque in the huge entrance. The Slytherins ensured that it was always shining and as more plaques were added it stayed the Slytherins job, despite what house the student had been in, to keep them clean and readable.

It was all of the Slytherins who struggled more as the year passed. Eyes grew dark and smiles became forced. The usual bickering and laughter that usually filled the rooms was now only the ghost of a memory. It was dark outside and slowly it had infiltrated the castle, growing darker as Voldemorts grip on the wizarding world grew stronger.

But it was Luna, joining them on the anniversary of the friends death after Voldemorts downfall, who calmly informed them that they didnt want them all to be sad.

When questioned she replied "well, they always look saddest when youre all crying over them"

hours later after a lot of coxing and useless facts about Blibbering Humdingers and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks they had pieced together the story.

She told them how at every moment of their lives she had always seen two boys close by watching, smiling and laughing. Holding hands with two identical infinites on their wrists.

She told them how they look just as Blaise and Theo had on the happy days prequaling their deaths. She tells them about all the times theyve helped or been there in their bad times but didnt you know? theyre really nice to talk to. I like their company.

Maybe Luna has some seer blood. But she helps them see their friends so they dont ask. Time would pass and they stayed in the corner. Watching. Laughing. Smiling. Waiting.

One day their friends would join them. and their hearts would be full again, re-joined with their chosen family. And maybe somewhere Theo and Blaise would get their happy ending. Their oasis in a war. Maybe they already did. But until their last friend joins them, theyll stay. Waiting. Together. forever.

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