Sadness 101

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I was walking to the hallway in my school
With my friends laughing in the picture that I took on my teacher, (hehe I was a baddie) anyways we got to class but my OTHER friend told my teacher, I got punch in the stomach I was crying in the hallway.

I was at home with my mom and dad, dad was drunk but my mom was cooking, my dad called me with a yelling voice "ANTHONY!!",
I rushed in the living room where my dad was and asked him "What?", and dad kicked me in the face and punched me in face many times

             I was conscious......

I was at the hospital what I remembered, my mom was their crying while holding my hand
while my dad was outside puking, after he puked he went inside while saying sorry.

       "Sorry son...."

      "I HATE YOU dad!" I said angrily

     Wait for part 3

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