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My name is Nicola. Yeah, I am pretty much a genius. Not bragging, but, I am.

I am a pawn of W.I.C.K.E.D. And you know what? I am perfectly fine with that. It's certainly better than the alternative.

Le Alternative; Getting my memories erased and put it a maze with little hope of getting out.

That's where my big brother is. The all high and mighty, Newt. You could LITERALLY hear some of the female employees of the secret organization's ovaries explode because he was so 'adorable.' Meanwhile, you have me. I am, too! I'm his twin.

We both have the same blonde hair and brown eyes, noes, small frame, friendly personality, warm smile. I love my brother. Always have, always will.

I remember the day he had to go into the maze. I had just sobbed, begged him not to leave. I pleaded him to stay longer. I cried. He kissed my forehead and stepped into the box. I felt more tears streaming down my face. I hated it. He was too young. He still is too young. Only fourteen. He's fifteen now. I am too.

I run the surveillance on The Glade and The Gladers. I work closely along side with my best friend, Thomas. Most of the days, we sit around watch my friends, and brother. Most of the time, it was pretty boring, all until one day.

Newt started to act different. He didn't smile anymore, he didn't laugh as much, wasn't as friendly. He seemed depressed.

"Hey, Thomas?" I asked one day.

"Huh?" He responded.

"Do you notice anything different?"

"Define different." Moron.

"Newt. Haven't you noticed Newt. He seems depressed."

Thomas shrugged. "Variable. Never know." I sighed deeply.

"Tommy, don't be a scientist here. Be my friend. What's wrong with him?" I felt like crying.

Something nobody ever wants to see is their brother, their best friend, depressed. Thomas wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Don't worry. It'll all be okay. Don't worry. I'm here. Everything will be okay." He whispered into my hair.

I nodded. "Okay. I'll trust you. Thank you." He smiled at me and rubbed my back.

"Anytime, sweetheart." He let go of me, and smiled. "Let's get back to watching." He didn't know. I didn't know.

We weren't prepared.

Nobody was prepared for what happened next.


A/N: have you seen David Boyd? I hope not. He is no where is this story.


I hope you all enjoy this!

Credit due where credit due: originally ideas credited to James Dashner

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