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We can hear Mr. Morgan banging on the front door as we hurry downstairs. Kelly stands on her tippy-toes in the entryway, her eye pressed against the peephole. She steps back when she notices us and holds a finger over her lips.


Alex is holding onto Christen's arm, her knuckles white and her eyes large and terrified.

"What are you girls doing down here?"

I turn around and see that Mr. O'Hara has come downstairs to investigate. He is wearing a robe and seems slightly annoyed at having been woken up. However, his mood quickly shifts when Mr. Morgan bangs on the door once again, and he realizes that we're not the ones making the noise.

"Who's that?"

Kelly holds her finger over her lips again, signaling to her father to be quiet, then whispers, "It's Mr. Morgan."

Mr. O'Hara immediately looks at Alex, and I see his features soften in concern as recognizes the fear in her expression.

"You girls should head back upstairs," he says. "I'll talk to him."

We all look at each other, hesitant.

"Go! Now, quick!"

As we hurry back upstairs, I hear him mutter, "I'm not letting that jackass into my house."

We retreat to Kelly's room and close the door. Then, we all crouch down next to it and attempt to hear what is going on downstairs. I meet Alex's eyes, but she looks away. I hear the front door open, followed by Mr. O'Hara's groggy voice.

"Michael," he says. "A little late to be stopping by."

"Cut the bullshit, Dan. You know why I'm here."

A long sigh. "I thought this might happen eventually. Look, Michael, I'm not interested in you like that. I'm married - "

"Where's Alex?"

"Alex? I would assume she's at your house right now, sleeping like any normal person should be at this hour - "

"I know she's been staying here for the past week."

Mr. O'Hara pauses, his tone becoming more serious. "You haven't seen her for a whole week?"

"I know she's here!" repeats Mr. Morgan, frustrated. "I'm not stupid, Dan. She's my daughter, and you have no right to hide her from me like this."

"I have to go down there," whispers Alex, her voice shaky. "He's not going to leave."

"No," I say automatically. "You're staying right here."

"I can't stay in her forever, Tobs," she says, looking at me sympathetically, which I find ironic considering I should be looking at her sympathetically in this situation. "It'll be okay."

"You're not going down there," I repeat. "I'm not letting you."

"I'm not either," says Christen. "No way."

Mr. Morgan's booming voice startles us before Alex can respond.

"Do you want me to call the police? I could press charges against you for harboring a minor!"

Kelly tenses up, and Alex begins to stand. I grab her forearm, stopping her.


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