fans are worried (gif short)

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You had been sick and squirmish so Harry and you went to the store well harry did most of it but he didn't mind he loved taking care of you so harry got out of the car it was pretty early so not many people were around but like always a few people would turn in about 100 people so when he got back he had to wind down the windows and talk to your fan's and his
"Hey Lovlies thank you all for coming but unfortunately she's sick sorry" you squirm around in Harry's lap harry strokes your hair to calm you down
"Oh ok thanks Harry scya I hope y/n feels better soon" she says to Harry
Harry waves at her and the resst of the fans
"Scya guys"

You had been sick and squirmish so Harry and you went to the store well harry did most of it but he didn't mind he loved taking care of you so harry got out of the car it was pretty early so not many people were around but like always a few people...

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A/n:I don't know if this seems like anyone elses but if it does I did actually read one like this I don't know whose so so I'm sorry

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