winter holiday part 2

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She couldnt find anyone she started regretting her decision and she knew that if she return back to her hometown everyone will make fun of her again. she continued walking and she found a coffee shop, She entered the coffee shop the waitress said

"Hello miss what's your order?"

Claire:  Hello ma'am I won't order anything but I want a job her as I'm homeless and I don't know where can I stay right now

Waitress: Oh don't worry I'll help you to find a job here by the way I'm Olivia and you ?

Claire: I'm Claire it's nice to meet you Olivia Can i please get a job here and may I please meet the owner?

Olivia: *laugh*  I'm the owner and I'm the waitress too.

Claire: Oh sorry Olivia I didn't know *awkward smile*

Olivia: So as from today you're our waitress and make sure you don't mess up Claire *smile*

Claire: Sure Olivia *smile*

Claire put her luggages inside and started working, and then Olivia came and gave Claire a key and ask Claire to live in her old apartment.

Claire put her luggages inside and started working, and then Olivia came and gave Claire a key and ask Claire to live in her old apartment

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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