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Loki paced the inside of his chamber. He was boiling with rage. He wanted vengeance. He wanted to be noticed. He wanted to be worshipped. But most of all, he wanted to be accepted. He wanted to finally feel like he had worth. He wanted acceptance from his father. "How..." Loki murmured. "How can I get vengeance? How can I prove to father that I'm worthy of being king?". He let out a sigh and fell on to his bed, looking up at the ceiling. "How..." he murmered again, as he drifted off to sleep.


He dreamt of when him and Thor were little. The good old days, when everything was simple. At least, it was more enjoyable than what his life was turning out to be right now. He saw a younger version on him and Thor in the garden, mock fighting. "I'm going to be king of Asgard someday!" little Loki said with a beaming smile on his face. He looked so innocent. He didn't have that hardened expression in his eyes like he did now. He looked more...carefree. Thor let out a hearty laugh. Even as a small child, his voice was powerful and had a lot more muscle than any other child had at his age. "Silly Loki, I'm going to be the king of Asgard!" he said as he lightly punched Loki in the arm. Despite his brother's gentle intentions, Loki fell to the ground. Loki brushed the dirt off his pants and Thor helped him up. "Maybe we could rule Asgard together!" Loki grinned. Thor laughed. "Like, take turns being king?" he asked with a confussed expression on his face. Loki looked down. It was a silly idea. "I...I was just kidding, brother. I know there can only be one King. Father would not like it of there were two kings, I'm sure." Thor looked at his brother quizzicaly, as though he was trying to figure out his brother's mood. Instead, he simply smiled and patted Loki on the back. "I know whoever father chooses will be the best decision, brother." he said calmly. "But until then, let's get along like we have been. I enjoy your company." Younger Loki smiled, and the dream faded.


Loki woke up with a start. Someone was knocking on the door. "What do you want?" Loki yelled to the unknown visitor. "Brother, it is me. Please let me in." Thor knocked on the door agin, this time, more loudly. "You inconceivable oaf, go away!" Loki yelled at the closed door. "I only wish to speak with you, brother dearest!" Thor yelled thought the closed door. "Well, I don't wish to speak with you, so you better like talking to a closed door, because I'm not coming out!" Loki yelled. There was a pause and he heard Thor slide down onto the floor. He landed with a dull thud. Loki knew that his brother wouldn't be going away anytime soon. Instead of continuing to yell at Thor to go away, Loki walked over to his bookshelf.

He chose a black leather bound book with gold pages. "The Nine Realms" Loki read, tracing his thin, pale fingers along the title. He flipped through the pages, reading about each realm. thinking about which one he could rule over the best. Finally, he reached a section of the book titled Midgard. Loki stopped. His brother had mentioned something about this realm before. Didn't he have close acquaintances there? Loki's face curled into a manical sneer. If he could manage to take over Midgard and find these aquaintences of Thor, he could maybe grab some much deserved attention from both Thor and Father Odin. "Midgard is as good as mine," Loki chuckled and slowly closed the book.

//So! There's the prologue! I hope you enjoyed it~! If you have feedback or ideas, let me know down in the comments ^__^ I enjoy hearing from you guys~ See ya next chapter ^__^ Happy reading!

-Nicki >U

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