On July 23rd 2020 two girls lives were changed forver. Heres why.
On july 23rd 2020 a girl named Avery was a zonut on tiktok. And this girl called Delilah wanted to give her tips on zonuts. So she did and then Avery asked if she wanted to be internet best friends and delilah said yes. They texed everyday and always asked their parents
if they could meet. Averys parents said yes but delilahs said no. The unfortunate thing is that I (Avery) live in England 🏴 and Delilah lives in America 🇺🇸. They FaceTimed a few times but not often and always celebrated their anniversary's. For their 6 month anniversery Delilah told Avery that she likes her. Avery said she will think about it and as she did they got closer and closer and at this point I don't know if they're together or not? But that dosent matter all that matters is that they stick together until the end. And that's what they do 💗💗 -xoxo Avery to Delilah