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I wake and leisurely stretch.  Andrew stirs beside me, but doesn't open his eyes.  I take the opportunity to go to the bathroom, then brush my teeth and wash my face.  I slip on my gown and sit down at the desk with my computer.

I check my work email first.  Nothing too pressing.  I can certainly wait until I'm home tomorrow before responding.  I go to my personal email next where there's a message from Meghan.  I read it and she's telling me how much she misses talking to me and can't wait for me to return the next day.  That's not surprising because the month's she's been in school, she has called me every day. Sometimes, several times a day and when she calls, she wants to talk for thirty minutes or more at a time.  I'm hoping that will reduce some once she settles in completely.  She goes on to tell me about the tests she has taken this week and the paper she's writing.  She wants my advice on the subject she's chosen – value of having kids doing chores.  She also wants to know if I'm having a good time.

I return her email letting her know how much I miss her as well and that I think she has chosen a great topic considering she knows quite a bit about it from personal experience.  I tell her that I've had the best time and will give her more details when I get back.

I retrieve my camera from my backpack and snap a picture of Andrew sleeping before plugging it into my computer to download my pictures.  I'll upload most of the pictures to my Facebook since that's private to my friends only.  I make a conscious decision to stay away from Twitter.  It looks as though I have about twenty minutes to wait on the pictures to transfer from my camera to my computer, so I decide to get a jump start on packing while Andrew is still asleep.

Mostly everything I own is dirty.  It's probably best that we're not going anywhere today.  I wrap my hiking boot in plastic and stick them in my suitcase.  I'll wear flats on the plane tomorrow along with jeans and a sweater I can remove when I get to Houston.  I pack my rain jacket because I definitely won't be needing that when I get there.  Even if it is raining, it will be way too hot to have a jacket on.  I get everything packed away except what I'll wear on the plane tomorrow plus my toiletries and makeup.

I check on the progress of my picture transfer and see that I have about five minutes left so I decide to go into the bathroom and order breakfast from behind closed doors so I don't wake Andrew up.  By the time room service comes, I'm sure he'll be awake to let them in.

Once the transfer completes, I upload them to Facebook in a new Scotland vacation album.  I've got over a hundred photos and Andrew's in about twenty five of them.  I'll have plenty of questions to answer when I get back, but that's okay.  As long as it's friends and family, I'm fine with talking about my time with Andrew.  I had a great vacation and he was a huge part of it.

I sit on the bed and watch him sleep for a few minutes.  As I'm getting up, he reaches over and grabs my arm. 

"I thought you were asleep."

"I was asleep, but I heard you moving around a bit.  I wasn't quite ready to face the day."

I lean down and give him a kiss.  "I've already ordered us some breakfast.  They'll probably be here in a few minutes.  Do you mind letting them in since I've packed everything except this gown I have on?"

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