7 - six point cabin

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The beautiful scenery of the Valentine area never ceased to amaze Clementine as she remembered all the times she had to go hunting for deer, whether that was on her own or with her father when he wasn't off doing his own thing.

Her arms were loose around the man she had held as close as humanly possible not so long ago as she kept her gaze on John, the stitching on his face oddly beautiful to the woman.

But when the man had turned to look at her, her face grew red as she turned away.

A smirk overcame the man's face in amusement, yet, couldn't help but feel as though the staring wasn't a compliment.

The scars etched across his face made him feel uglier than he already did.

Clementine Moon didn't seem to think so.

After several minutes of blurred directions that seemed to drag on for hours, the group arrived on a hill between clusters of trees. It was surprisingly quiet for a gang hideout.

Arthur's hand squeezed Clem's hand as a sign to help her down off the horse. She nodded slowly, as she slowly pushed herself down, Arthur's hand holding hers softly yet strongly in order not to drop her.

He hopped off immediately after.

"Follow me, alright? It ain't far," Kieran directed as the group pursued forwards.

Clem looked backwards and shared a nervous glance with Arthur.

What if this was a trap?

"We might've shared a horse, but we ain't friends. Remember, I'm watching you. Every moment," Came John's voice as sternly as ever, sending chills down Clem's spine, despite him not even talking to her.

"I ain't going to shop you now, come on. It'd be suicide."

"You'll die, boy. But you'll lose your balls first," Bill hissed menacingly, receiving a harsh glare from Clem as she thought back to what she'd walked in on moments before.

She shook it from her head.

"Jesus Christ," Clem and Kieran sighed in unison.

"Come on," Kieran then ushered.

"Okay, get down," John instructed as the gang looked over a small cabin in the distance, surrounded with wagons and tents.

"The cabin's in the clearing down there," Kieran pointed, "There'll be a bunch of fellers hiding out there too."

"Are these fellers armed?" Arthur questioned, looking down at the cabin.

"Armed. Drunk. Wary of strangers. Yup," Kieran replied.

"And Colm O'Driscoll?"

"Oh, he'll be holed up in his cabin. Be passed out, booze blind, likely as not."

"Over there ..." Bill cut in, pointed off not too far away with his gun, "Someone's coming."

Clem crouched a little lower, the tall grass tickling her exposed thighs, trying to get a giggle out of her.

There was muttering off in the distance and the group listened in as best as they could. Apparently Clem's hearing wasn't as good as everyone else's. However, she did hear rustling to the right of her as John grabbed Kieran by the face, covered his mouth and placed a gun to his head in fear that he may take this moment to speak.

They listened a few seconds more before Arthur shushed Kieran.

"Can ya shoot?" Arthur asked the woman in a hushed voice, slight doubt in his tone. Clementine turned her head, looking past John and Kieran with a slightly excited smirk.

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