Idiots never survive

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Screams of pain and despair were ripping through that once peaceful place.
A group of bacteria was spreading terror in that area, destroying the walls and striking along their way many red blood cells that, as best as they could, were trying to escape from those powerful enemies.
Suddenly, with a leap, a young girl with white clothes - too much white, for the blood that was pouring in that place - stood between the bacteria and the few red blood cells that were left. With a powerful scream, she tried to avoid the enemies' attacks, defeating some of them with sharp blows. However, in spite of her great skills as a guardian of the organism... those bacteria did not retreat an inch. They were still many and powerful, so much so that they seemed almost invincible.
The warrior, codenamed J-1178, hit the ground again and tried to catch her breath.
How long had she been in that terrible situation, along with the other cells? She felt like she was in hell, not inside a human body. What was happening seemed to be the beginning of a long and endless ordeal, which sooner or later would lead them to an atrocious death. All of them, especially those cells that, unlike those in charge of immune defense, weren't even able to defend themselves.

«Quick, let's evacuate the area before those monsters attack us again!»

At that cry, launched by one of the red blood cells, the little girl clenched her sword tighter and started to attack again, swearing to herself that she would not allow another carnage.
She would defend them all, even at the cost of her life.

In the meantime, the group of red blood cells was trying to move away from the area, even if with much effort. The area, in fact, was full of cracks and depressions, which was making it increasingly difficult to evacuate and rescue the wounded. They were often stumbling and falling, slowing down more and more their race to safety.
Suddenly one of them, attracted by a strange metallic sound, stopped and turned in the direction of the fight. That was how he noticed the warrior's sword fall to the ground, away from the little girl who had been thrown against a wall.
The light brown-haired young man broke away from the group, heedless of the screams of his colleagues who wanted him to go back.

«What are you doing?!»
«Get back here right now, you idiot!»

He felt those screams getting farther and farther away as, with a smile, he entered again the place of that fierce battle. Sliding on his legs, he reached and grabbed the sword of the warrior who, in the meantime, was face to face with a gigantic streptococcus pyogenes. The bacteria had nearly knocked her out, but despite being battered and bereft of her weapon, she wasn't giving up.
«I have to protect this body...» she whispered furiously, «... and, because of that, I won't let you damage the other cells!»
She got up again, gathering the last energies she had inside her, and so with a kick she managed to hit the enemy on its eyes, blinding it momentarily; but soon after she collapsed on her knees, lowering her gaze. At the same time the bacterium, using its other senses to continue fighting, managed to get close to her again.
«Damn... I need a break...»
Suddenly J-1178 was forced to look up, attracted by a strange presence that had appeared between her and the enemy. She opened her eyes wide when she saw a red blood cell, which she knew well, holding her sword and waving it in the air, trying to intimidate the bacterium.
«Hey you, ugly monster! You'll have to go over my hemoglobin-rich corpse first, before you kill her too!»
«... you?» the little girl whispered and then yelled at her colleague: «What the hell are you doing here?! You're just gonna get yourself killed!»
The erythrocyte didn't flinch... in fact, oddly enough, he was smiling. «What am I doing here? Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to buy some time so you can recover and face the enemies with more energy!»
«Are you crazy?!» replied J-1178, trying to rise to her feet with difficulty. «Now give me back my sword and promise me to get out of here right now and get to safety!»
For a split second the young man remained silent, turning his gaze toward the young girl. Then, suddenly, he turned his back on her.
«If I do that... you won't be able to protect us anymore. And... sometimes we have to be ready to return the favor to you, immunity cells. If we don't help each other, who else can do it?»
With that statement, the erythrocyte charged at his enemy, brandishing the sword.
«S... Stop!»
The screams of the little warrior were useless. As it was to be expected, with a single blow, the bacterium seriously wounded the red blood cell, throwing him upwards while the sword fell again on the floor, this time next to the girl who immediately grabbed it and put it back in its sheath. However, despite the grave situation, the young man began to giggle while still in midair.
«What a fool... if only you knew what you were about to face... it's clear that you haven't done your homework...»
With the little strength he had left, he managed to cling to the body of the bacterium. In that very moment a strong light, coming from the erythrocyte, enveloped both him and the enemy and, in an instant, completely destroyed it.
J-1178 could not believe her own eyes. That red blood cell... he had really managed to protect her.
He had made it... but at the cost of his life.

Idiots never survive [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now