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A.N. WARNING: physical abuse, degradation, and humiliation. DO NOT READ IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE.

Saying this because a lot of you who couldn't handle aspects of my past fanfics commented harsh things despite me including warnings. Harsh/rude comments will be reported.

Also, this one moves pretty fast (there are some time skips, but they're only a few weeks long).

Plot heavy, and also side platonic Vmin is present.


Let the blood of the murdered,
Soak the glove of the rich.
For he picks them fresh,
All blood and flesh.
And he devours them whole,
'Til there's nothing left.
And the mansion is quiet,
Once again,
Not a sound can be heard
In the cold empty den.
Goodbye little devil,
Once alive but now dead,
Find shelter in hell,
Never to be heard of again.


The Silk Glove
~a Taekook murder mystery~


Snow fell down lightly in the tiny globe, the little ice rink surrounded by tiny happy people with smiling faces and rosy cheeks. The lights were on in the little cabin, and a snowman was placed at the doorway. Taehyung sighed and tore his eyes away from the snow globe, wrapping it in bubble wrap and placing it into his duffel bag.

He walked over to his closet and pulled a few more articles of clothing off of their hangers, before folding them and swiftly placing them into his open suitcase, perched on the bed. It would be Taehyung's last day in his cozy home before he permanently moved into Mountainside Mansion.

It wasn't like Taehyung wanted to, but the promise of a good paycheck was what convinced him that this would be the right decision. He had lost his last job as a newspaper boy, and his town had fallen too poor to provide jobs for everyone. Therefore, Taehyung had to move.

He planned on sending half of his paycheck to his mother and younger sister, who would remain at the house. His mother was still mourning over the death of Taehyung's father, and his little sister was too young to provide for the family. So Taehyung stepped up.

Taehyung shoved a couple of pairs of socks into his suitcase, as well as some folded briefs. He was not looking forward to the drive. Luckily, his employer—the head of the mansion—paid for his transportation. The carriage was waiting outside of his room, signalling that he needed to hurry up his packing.

Taehyung put the last couple of knick-knacks and blankets that he owned into the duffel bag, before zipping it closed. He carefully placed his journal, sketchbook, and art supplies into the suitcase before closing it. He grabbed a third bag and stuffed his violin and a couple of pairs of shoes in it before he closed everything up and stacked them on top of each other.

Taehyung stumbled down the staircase with two bags and a suitcase. His mother and sister were in the foyer, the door wide open and a tall man waiting on the porch to take Taehyung's things. Taehyung had never had such luxury before, so he hardly noticed that the man intended to take his things and walked right past him. He dropped his things into the back of the carriage as the man awkwardly walked back to the carriage.

"Taehyungie, come here." His mother called weakly. She was dressed in a long black gown with a black shawl over her frail shoulders. Her hair was left down and unkept, and a black veil sat atop her head and covered most of her face. Taehyung's younger sister stood beside her, wearing a black blouse and black skirt. The two clutched each other's hands, looking pale and as if they hadn't been in the sun in a long time. Which, they really hadn't.

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