Trip x Virus x Reader

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A/N: This will contain mature themes and swearing. I don't own anything but the general plot.
The moon shone bright above you as you walked downtown. Your insane mother had tracked you down again which meant that you had to find somewhere new to stay. Sure you could always crash at Aoba's but you didn't like imposing on him and Tae-san. Besides, your mom knew you and Aoba were friends. You had to go somewhere you knew she wouldn't look, somewhere like-
"Y/N-san!", you heard two distinct voices call. Great, just the guys you were looking for.
"What is a pretty lady like yourself doing all alone?", Virus asked.
"It's not safe for a young girl to be out alone.", Trip added.
"Thanks for the concern.", you said with a fake smile plastered to your features. "And I need to get away from my crazy ass mother."
"I think we could help with that, couldn't we Trip?", Virus purred as Trip nodded in agreement. 'Could they be anymore creepy', you thought, but you were used to it. The not-twins had helped you out of some sticky situations before.
"So I can stay at your place?", you asked while giving them a doe eyed look.
"Well,", Trip whispered in your earwhile grabbing your shoulder, "there will be a price."
"Really now? And what would that be.", you said turning to face him.
"Hmm. I coudl think of a few things.", he said seductivley. You internally laughed. You had the poor bastard wrapped around your little finger. You wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered,
"like this?" and promptly kneed him in the crotch. As he fell you delivered another blow to his chin. You could hear Virus step behind you and you elbowed him in the gut then the chin. They were both lying on the ground giving you half hearted smirks accompanied by glares. "How about we remeber that tiem I saved your asses and call it even?"
You smiled to yourself as they were getting up. You were fondly remembering the time some gang had beat them within an inch of their lives until you and your badassery (and some back-up) saved the poor bastards. They got up and stepped on either side of you. Virus grabbed one of your hands and Trip grabbed the other. When walking to their place you three joked and laughed.
-------------------time skip--------------------
When you three finally arrived, you floppped down onto the couch and awaited the scratching at the door. When your mother found you, you had sent your allmate away so it would not be damaged. You were certain that it would go to Aoba's and wait for you there or it would come here. Sure enough, within minutes you heard a scratching sound and a familiar voice saying, "Y/N?". You happily got up and opened the door to see your teddy bear named Teddy. (A/N: Not sure if a teddy bear allmate is a thing but you know what, don't give a shit) You picked him up and put him in sleep mode. While doing this you sent a glare to Virus and Trip.
"If either of you or your little bitchy allmates touches Teddy, I tear you apart and feed you to Aoba. Lord knows thats the only way you'll ever get inside him.", you said cheerfully. So you were a little protective and crazy, but so what?
After staying up with Trip and Virus for a few hours you fell asleep. You woke up a few hours later at 1AM and felt around for teddy. You found him, but as you reached for him, you felt a sharp pain in your side. You lifted your shirt to see what was causing the pain and gasped at what you saw. A 'T' and 'V' were carved into your side. Those little shits. They thought they could mark you like this!? Oh, they were royally screwed. Some revenge was in order.
---------Time Skip----------
You woke up feeling your tank top sticking uncomfortably to your side. When they asked about the blood you just smiled. They looked at each other with surprised faces. They had done that in order to rile you up. They happened to find it very hot when you were angry. They had to leave today in order to take care of some bussiness. Just before they left, you gave them eacha kiss on the cheek and a cute little wink. They smirked at eachother as they walked out the door. They both thought that they had tamed the insane beast that was you. Oh how wrong they were. You heard the lock click and smiled. Those idiots think that they have won. Hah. The fun is just beginning. You had already implemented the first step in your revenge plan. Lull them into a false sense of seciruty. As difficult as it may be, you knew that you couldn't seem angry. Next you had to hunt down those allmates to make sure they wouldn't be a nuisance. After an hour of struggling you finally got them to sleep after which you locked them in the closet. Step two. Aquire some hot clothes. Now you had to attempt to distract them. Trip was easily distracted by your physique, but Virus knew better. You didn't really bring anything with you, so you went into Virus's room and borrowed one of his shirts. You tried it on and smiled. Not only did you look cute as hell, it would make Virus a bot easier to tame. Step three. Make yourself look cute. You went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Damn girl you are fine, you thought to yourself. Step four. Wait. Fortunatley you didn't have to wait long. You heard Trip and Virus' loud laughter outside and you tried to sit as cutley as possible. finally you settled for criss-crossing your legs and staring at the door. When the door opened, you jumped up and squealed, "Virus! Trip! You guys were gone forever!" ,while hugging them kissing them both on the cheek. They both shared a look but hugged back.
"We were only gone for three hours.", Trip said.
"And in those three hours you managed to steal my shirt. Not that I am compalining." ,Virus said, obviously enjoying this.
"Not my fault I got stuff on my clothes and couldn't leave to get new ones.", you puted while sticking your tongue out at him. You heard Trip huff beside you, obviously upset that Virus was getting all of your attention. Internally smirking, you latched onto Virus' shoulder and nuzzled his neck. You noticed the glare Trip was giving you.
"Aww, are you jealous Trip?", you said cutley.
"No. Why should I be? I can do this."
You felt a hand on your ass and reacted instantly. You pushed Trip to the wall why holding a knife to his throat. This was when you reminded yourself that you couldn't act too out of character, or they might get suspicious.
"I don't think so Trip.", you said sweetly. "You guys should go sit down while I make dinner. Okay?" You saw them both look at eachother shrug and do as they were told. Many people often wondered why they did what you told them most of the time and to be honest, you were certain that they did too. Of course you knew why. Your mother had gotten quite adept at findin gyou in the past 5 years. So you often ended up here. After staying here for a week once, you realized htat these two boys were the messiest, laziest, most typical boys you had met. THey didn;t noramlly cook and they didn't clean all too well. Finally you had a noce chat withthem, which involved some threats, about the improtance of cleaning. In that moment you had become a sort of badass friend-babysitter to the not-twins. Of course you rmethods weren't all that orthodox. They didn't really start listening to you until your requests became demands which were accomanied by you beatinf the living hell out of Trip and then having a smack down with Virus. Sometimes you won, sometimes you lost. But you did prove yourself to the two boys. They now understood that you were one bad ass bitch that was not tho be messed with.THey also understood that when you stayed, you cooked some hella wicked meals and that their place should be realativley clean. Their place was mostly clean and they at least had some food in the fridge so you silently congradualted the two on being diligent and freaking retarded.
While reminiscing you had finished cooking and pulled out your secret weapon. Sleeping pills. You knew that these pills wouldnt take affect for about 3 hours, which gave them plenty of time to be in their respective bedrooms. You three ate inpeace and went to retire. After you were sure they were knocked out, you tied them up and gagged them both with things you found in the closet. 'I shoudl have known, flippin' wierdos' You sat onthe couch and waited for about four hours. It was about 12:00 AM when you crept into Virsus' room. You sat on the side of the bed and leant down to his face. "Virus~", you whispered. He opened his eyes and looked at you sleepily while saying,
"Well hello Y/N? And what are you doing in my room at this hour? Miss me~?"
"I just wanted to have some fun.", you said, gesturing to the straps binding him to the bed. You saw him glance down and struggle a bit. "Ah ah ah. No ruining it.", you said, moving to straddle him. You saw his pupils dialate and his face flush. You had him right were you wanted him. You eased your weight down slowly over the slight bulge in his pants and felt his body relax as he let out a quiet moan. Hearing this, you slipped the gag back on. He looked at you questioningly.
"I can't have you waking Trip.", you explained. "He'd ruin the fun. I only want you Virus.", you purred in his ear. After adjusting the gag, you began laughing. Virus look alarmed and startled. "Did you actaully think that I would let you get away with marking me up? And besides, I thought you boys wouldn't have been so easily fooled. Guess you two really do like me.", you leaned down to his ear again, "and even though I adore the two of you, that can't be forgiven." You pulled out a small scalpel and carved a small half heart shape on his left hip. His eyes widened and he gave a supressed shout. You shushed him as you cleaned the wound. "Now don't think this entirely makes up for it. No, you two will have some groveling to do tomorrow. This however allows me to scar you and claim you.", you said winking. You made your way over to Trips room where a similar scenario played out, but Trip seemed to like the scar. You left the room and went to your spot on the couch feeling insanely satisfied.
-----------Time Skip-----------
The two boys awoke and headed into the living room. You greeted them with a cheery smile which they did not return.
"Good morning", you smiled. "Sleep well?"
They both growled and pinned you to the couch.
"You should know Y/N.", Virus purred in your ear.
"That we don't like to be toyed with.", Trip finished.
"Then both of you should know that I don't like to be claimed.", you said, running your thumbs on the matching scars on the not-twin's hips. "But I do like to do the claiming."
A/N: It probably sucked TT_TT. Anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks.

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