Chapter 2- ...Ok?

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<Your POV>

As I sit down these two boys, I'm pretty sure they're twins, scoot over to me.

"Hi, I'm Hikaru." says the one closer to me.

"And I'm Kaoru." says the one on the other side of Hikaru.

"Uh...hi?" I reply nervously.

'I just want to get this class over with and what do these two rich kids want?!'

"So you're the new kid?" said Hikaru.

"Um... Yeah." I replied.

"Well, we're happy to help if you need anything!" Kaoru said.


'Maybe these two aren't as bad as I thougt'

"If you want you can come to the Host Club at lunch. It's in Music room #3." Said Hikaru


~~time skip~~

<Hikaru POV>

There was this really beautiful girl in first hour today. I hope she will come to the Host Club. ^_^

"Hikaru, whatcha thinking about?" Kaoru said as he walked toward me.

"Uh, nothing!" I replied quickly.

"Is it that girl, Y/N, from first hour?"

"How'd you know?"

"From the way you looked at her when she walked in."

"The Host Club is about start!" Tamaki yelled.


'What is this Music room #3 thing? I guess I'll go since I wont be here for long.'

"OMG it's Tamaki!" Said one girl.

'Is this it?' I said to myself.

<Kaoru POV>

My brother likes the new girl but we know nothing about her. I want to help him but I dont really want him to leave me. 😁 I guess I'll help him if that'll make him happy.

"Hikaru, she's here." I whisper to him.


"Welcome to the Host Club" says this tall guy with blonde hair.

"Hey Y/N! You came!" Yells Hikaru.

Every girl in the room is staring at me.

"Um. Yeah... I thought I should come because uh.. It sounded cool." I replied.

I really didn't think it was cool.

"Oh well look around." Hikaru said smiling.

I saw this guy serving tea but he looked like a girl. Is that mean to say?

It was over so I followed everyone to leave but Hikaru came after me.

"Y/N you should stay after school with us" says Kaoru.

"I dont really know you guys."

"Oh that's right!" Said Hikaru

"I'm Tamaki!" Said the guy who greeted me at the door.

"And I'm Haruhi." said the feminine looking guy

"I'm Hunni and this is Mori!" Said the cute little boy.

"Oh they let little kids here?" I said smiling at Hunni.

"Actually Hunni and Mori are the oldest of all of us here. And I'm Kyoya." Said the tall man in glasses.

"So now can you stay after school with us?" Said Hikaru

"Um... I can't. Since it's my first day my mom wants me to be home."

That may or may not be a lie.

"Oh that's fine. We'll just come home with you!" Said Tamaki.

Great, just great.


Well then. Thanks for reading. If you have anything that I need to fix or some tips please comment. 😊

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