episode 3

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Alex's outfit

Camille's Outfit

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Camille's Outfit

Camille's Outfit

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Alex pov

Cami and I walked into the lobby of our school as we see Tori trying to get a french horn in her locker. We walked over to her, Cat and Andre joined us.

"Tori!" Andre greeted.

"What's up?" Cat asked.

"I'm having a horn problem. Why do I have to play an instrument anyway?" Tori replied.

"Everyone at Hollywood Arts has to play some kind of instrument." Camille responded.

"Okay, well, I sing. My throat is my instrument. I'm a throat player." Tori told us.

"Doesn't count." Andre answered.

"And it sounds kinda gross." Cat added.

"It sounds disgusting." Camille scrunched up her nose.

"Sounds dirty." I said.

"Why did you pick the french horn?" Andre questioned.

"I don't know. I like french fries, french toast..." She replied.

Cat began to tell us a story about her in a restaurant and how she got thrown out.

"So let's hear your horn." Cami suggested.

"Yeah, play that funky music, white girl." Andre said to Tori.

"You know, we're half latina." Tori and I spoke in unison.

"Then hit it, Muchacha." He tried again.

Tori started to play horribly until Andre took it away from her and 'fixed it'. Other students joined his playing.

"Hey Tori, why didn't you ask me for help? I could have taught you how to play the guitar or the piano. Now I have to listen to your terrible playing." I interrogated.

Alexandra Vega | Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now