2- Lily

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Hey guys! I'm updating again! (I know it's crazy, right?) So, back to Lily and Ben and Destiny? Do you like her? TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. I ENJOY FEEDBACK. I kind of hate Destiny, and you'll find out later why, but trust me, you'll hate Destiny... ANYWAY I have a blog! Please check it out it's pretty cool if you ask me. It's mostly rants and music reccommendations, but if you like AFI, you'll like my blog.




Ben and I were the best of friends. We went everywhere together, did everything together and lived everything together.

But that all changed when Destiny came.

I was excited and scared when Ben left George Foreman Middle School and went to Dale Jeffery High School. I of course went to his graduation, and I was friends with his other friends, so we all went to his house afterwards.

I was scared to not have him there to protect me. I was scared for the bullies. They subsided once they knew I was with Ben, but once he was gone, there was no one to protect me.

I was obviously excited for him to go to high school; it’s all he’s talked about for the whole summer and before. He was an official freshman, and he was overly excited.

He called me on the first day of school as he did per usual every day, but since he woke up another hour earlier than me, I was half asleep and only half-listened to him. But he was my best friend, so I dealt with it.

The first day was horrible. “Where’s your boyfriend?” they would taunt. I ended up crying in the bathroom half the day. It was torture. Reality ruined my life yet again.

I cried silently the whole day, hating the hellhole that was my life. That’s when it clicked. If I was skinny, they would accept me. I went to the bathroom as the kids taunted and teased me, and made the first bad decision that ultimately ruined my life, and my esophagus.

I hesitantly plunged my finger down the back of my throat and hit my uvula, sending barf up my throat and plummeting out of my mouth, projectile vomiting into the toilet. I did this 3 more times until it hurt, and I was shaking. It kind of felt good. It let out all the pain and food, making me feel slimmer already.

I waltzed into class acting dazed, and the teacher sent me to the nurse. I went home, rejoiced, but not satisfied. When I got home, I ate nothing, even though I was starving as per usual.

When 3:30 came around, and Ben got off of the bus, he ran up to my door. He was planning to wait for me until I came home, but was met with a grim surprise when I was lying on the couch half-asleep.

“Hey Cookie, how was your day?” he asked, sitting next to me on the couch.

“Well, I did go home sick!” I said laughing, but then barely with a whisper in a serious tone, “it was hell, Ben.” I looked down and a tear fell from my eye and drop onto the blanket, which was slowly pulled off of me by Ben.

I looked up at him as tears stung my eyes, threatening to spill over. His eyes looked glassy as well. He was scared that this would happen, but he wouldn’t admit that to me. He would never have admitted that to me. He knows it was my major concern, but I didn’t ever mention it to him because it was a touchy subject for both of us. I just didn’t want to see him get hurt.

“Did they tease you?” he asked, anger and sadness rushing through him, his voice wobbling, on the verge of wrathful tears.

“Yeah,” I said, sniffing.

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