Part 4: section 2

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Supreme Master Comna sat at her desk, smiling underneath her mask. Youn came inside, and closed the door behind her.

"It's been done. I have implanted the tracking devices into the children's lower arms. There is a chance that it will ping while they are awake, but it needs to be cut out with a knife. I don't believe the children have the stomach to cut their arm open." Youn sat down. Supreme Master Comna looked at where they currently were.

"Very good. Send another battleship after them. All of them have proven themselves useful, so tell them to bring all of them back alive. Unless one of them won't cooperate. Then they may die. And make sure that the gravity breaker is in good condition." Supreme Master Comna placed her hands on the desk.

"If the others are alive, she will be more likely to follow our orders. Plus we can use the others as a leverage. I will make sure they know to bring them back alive. On a different note, did you hear about the recent massacre in Irinals?" Youn asked, taking her bag, and standing up. Supreme Master Comna laughed wickedly.

"Of course I did. It's a sign that the gravity breaker is ready. Ready for our plans." Youn walked to the door, and looked back.

"We already trapped them. Now we just need to lock them in a nice big cage." She grinned, and left. Supreme Master Comna

Looked out the window.

"It looks like I will be seeing you very, very soon." She put her feet up.


No one said a word for at least a good half an hour. Zay quietly moved the ship, occasionally looking back at her sister. The sky was clear today, with not a cloud in sight. Kira was sitting on a chair today, staring at the window.

"Zay? How much money do we have? I need a new shirt." Kira said, frowning at the new blood stain. Zay thought for a moment.

"About one thousand dollars. We didn't spend any." Zay said, opening a compartment that had a large bag of money.

"Can I get some more clothes too? Mine are getting really worn." Jay sat, pressing her hands against the arm rest.

"Yeah, I could use a new outfit as well." Jade spoke for the first time since they got on the sky ship.

"Ok. We can land in a village a little bit further away, and then buy some food and new clothes. I can also get some more money if we need to." Zay put the ship into auto pilot mode. Zay leaned back into her seat.

"I think I might go to bed early tonight. I'm tired. I can help you tomorrow Kira. Ice is another form of water, and vise versa, so it should be pretty similar." Zay curled up into a ball.

"Um, Zay?" Kira said, staring out the window.

"Yes I know, I'm not the best. But I figured it's better than nothing." Zay droned on.

"No, I think that there might be another sky ship." Kira pointed towards the shape in the sky, slowly flying towards them. Zay sighed. She opened up the compartment that had the large guns.

"Here you go. Each of you take one of these. Jay, strap yourself in, and hold on tight." Zay handed a gun to both Kira and Jade. Great, they got to watch another person today lose their life to a gun. Zay sat up, and opened the sun roof. Kira and Jade strapped themselves into the two little chairs, and Kira this time put a force field around the ship. Hopefully they wouldn't get shot down. As the battleship got closer and closer, Kira's stomach tightened. She had to take the force field down, or else they wouldn't be able to shoot the other ship. Zay pulled down hard on the controls, launching them upwards. Kira yelped. Zay pressed an array of buttons, dropping all sorts of weapons on the battleship below.

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