02: 𝗅𝗂𝗊𝗎𝗂𝖽 𝗅𝗎𝖼𝗄.

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𝗂𝗂. 𝗅𝗂𝗊𝗎𝗂𝖽 𝗅𝗎𝖼𝗄.

"Awh, is someone butthurt about the fact that I beat them in potions?"


The Slytherin trio sat in the Great Hall, watching the first years get sorted into their houses.

"Can you believe we used to be that small when we were first years?" said Draco to his two best friends.

"Yeah," said Y/n. "When I used to be taller than you."

"You were an inch taller than me."

"Whatever, it was funny seeing you get all riled up because I kept on calling you a 'shortie'"

Draco smirked. "But who's the shortie now, huh?"

"Fuck off."

Blaise and Draco laughed.

Just then, the light in the Hall begins to gently dim and all eyes turn to Dumbledore, standing at the top of the Hall, hand raised to the enchanted ceiling, where clouds respond to his gestures and shroud a gleaming full moon.

He began to speak, "The very best of evenings to you! First off, please join me in welcoming the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn."

Mild applause ensues.

"Professor Slughorn, I'm very happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post of Potions master. Meanwhile the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be assumed by Professor Snape."

This was greeted by stunned silence. Dumbledore frowns, then attempts to generate something by clapping his hands. A few Slytherins join in and some dim-witted First Years.

"That is all for tonight," said Dumbledore. "Now, let the feast . . . Begin!"

A sudden burst of talk and laughter and of tinkling plates and glasses had filled the Hall once again.

"Never knew I'd see the day Snape finally gets the Defense Against the Dark Arts post," said Y/n, digging into her food. "Now that we have Slughorn for Potions, he'll probably go on about how 'fantastic' Potter is. Wait until he finds out that the boy is dead awful at the subject."

"Must you always have to bring him up in every sentence you say, Y/n?" said Blaise. "I'm starting to think that you still like him."

"I'd rather pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I ever catch feelings for him ever again."


The next morning, Y/n and Daphne Greengrass, who was also a student in Slytherin house and was one of Y/n's closest friends, made their way to the Dungeons. They had just come from Transfiguration and were now on the way to their next lesson, Potions.

"So, when's the next Quidditch tryouts?" Daphne asked. "I might try out to be a Chaser. I heard Blaise was going to try out, too"

Y/n, who was one of the Beaters and the Captain of the Slytherin team, sighed. "I'm not really sure, to be honest." she said. "And you should try out. Being the only girl on the team sucks."

"Really?" said Daphne. "I just don't think I have enough skills to be a Chaser. Maybe Pansy should --"

"Oh shush, Daph. You have all the skills a Chaser needs, and, don't get me wrong, I love Pansy and all but I just know that she'll be eye-fucking Draco throughout the whole match."

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