The dinner party

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Ahh, tonight is the night! The night that Johnathon and his parents come over for dinner at my house! I look over at my clock and see that it's 8:00, they will be here in a few mins. I had put on a light baby blue dress, with a lace belt on my hips and had my hair curled and make up on. I never were makeup. I walk down stairs, and see that my mother had to table set up and the house all straighten up. *3 knocks on the door* "I'll answer it." My dad said. He opens the door and says, "Hello! And welcome to our home!" My mother walks over and says, "You must be Jenna and Andrew?" Yes, and here's our son, Johnathon. "Hello Johnathon. Nice to have y'all here!" Its nice to see you. Said Johnathon. "Well dinners ready, if y'all want to eat now!" That would be nice. Said Jenna. We all head over to the table and sit down. "Johnathon, you can sit down by Sophia, if you would like."My mother told him." I'll love to. He replied. We all sit down and all dig in to the wonderful taste of my moms famous macaroni salad. We talk about the government, our home town and where their from. Jonhathon looked over at me and asked if I've ever been to the mountain's. I say "no, I've never been." "Well, he replied you would love it!" I ask have you ever been to the beach? "No, I've never been." Well, I replied you would love it! I ask my mother if I could take the new jeep and drive down to the beach with Johnathon. "Well, if its okay with Jenna and Andrew." Oh its perfectly fine with us. Just be home by 11:30p.m Johnathon! "We will." Okay well I'll get the car keys and we will be on our way!

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