notes before you proceed.

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Hey hey hey! If ever you just randomly stumbled upon this book, or maybe you have been anticipating it in my tumblr blog, nonetheless, I'm still glad that you're here. While you're here, I'll make sure to provide as much entertainment as I can. So please, make yourself at home. <3

A few reminders about this book and things you need to look out for: Each chapter is split into two parts - real time and flashbacks. As you go deeper into the story, the flashbacks slowly connect to real time events. You'll understand once you read it. Originally, I wasn't at all planning on saying this so I could keep a somewhat mysterious feel throughout the book. But I figured that I should address it to avoid confusion for you guys. Also, it builds up as you read further, and Daichi's watch doesn't become significant until the last chapters (lol). I hope I can lessen some of the questions that some of you might have.

Also, be extra keen on details. Make sure you pay attention to every little thing, for they'll help you understand what's happening.

As for the usual warnings: slight(?) angst, and little use of strong/foul language.

Please be guided that this is my first ever published fanfiction. I started writing this on December 3rd of 2020, and I can say that I genuinely enjoyed my whole writing process. I'm also trying to improve as I write more stuff, so I hope that some of you will look forward to those. <3

An AO3 version of this book is also available! I'm trying to work on different platforms and sites where I can share my works, and also for my readers' convenience.

I have a whole bag of ideas in store for you all. I'm excited for this year's events, and to finally share my writing!

Other information about me and my works will be available at my bio, like my AO3 account, and my tumblr blog (where I'm most active). If you wish to reach out to me on those places, you're more than welcome to do so.

Let me stop babbling and let's get on to DaiSuga (my otp, btw).


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