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The Lightwoods,a loving aristocratic family of five who were gracious enough to welcome two orphaned children into their home. Who never ran out of patience for the unruly orphaned boy, the not much to say son, or the rebellious non rule follower of a daughter, who stood proud by the clave and its teachings, and offered sanctuary to a circles members daughter. That's who lightwood were, the model family of the Shadow World.

At least.....just on the surface.

The Lightwoods all and all, we're good people who had been thrown in the middle of a situation they did not understand much less could they comprehend and they had swallowed their pride and done what is good and right, they turned themselves in and allowed the clave to punish them. The Lightwoods have paid their debt and that's all that matters. There are six members to the prestigious family, Lady Lightwood and her beloved husband, both of whom were previous circle members, not that i knew of course, they were gracious enough to let me into their home, humble enough to raise me as their own, and righteousness enough to teach me the ways of the clave, the way my parents would have wanted. Then there was the eldest Lightwood heir, Alec, Alec could only be described as a rule follower, growing up it was "mother said so, so it must be done mothers way" now that we've become older, it's become "the claves way", the right way. Then there was Jace Wayland, my brother, Alec's parabatai, Isabelle's protector, the claves Ace, he was the jokester, the one would throw a punch and ask questions later.Next is Isabelle Lightwood, my sister, she was different than I, from the way she looked to the way her beliefs worked, Maryse and Robert often expressed their disappointment in her, wishing that she were more like Alec and stopped meddling with the low bloods, but Izzy does what Izzy wants. Last but certainly not least, there was me, Camila, I was the orphaned daughter, I was Lightwood in all but blood. My faith was in God, and my trust in the clave.

At the time this was true.

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