Part 1

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            In 2033, a great part of humanity left Earth. After the benevolent AIs were introduced in 2021 against all odds, the AIs directed humanity toward a better future. They developed all new methods of food production and housing, as well as new medical procedures and treatments. They reduced pollution output to less then one percent of what it was, and they cleared the oceans almost completely of the garbage that so polluted them. By 2025, the AIs understood space and how to travel throughout the galaxies. Starting in 2026, great starcraft started to be produced. They were planned to be finish by 2031, but human hostilities caused progress to be stalled for years. During the Last War, the AIs took on the role as humanitarians as they were systemically programmed to stay away from war. While humans started the Last War, the AIs were able to finish it through diplomacy and goodwill. After that point, the AIs established something like utopia. It was the best possible society for a species that is hellbent on destroying itself and its homeland. The AIs geared the entirety of the human race toward building the ships that would take humanity to the stars. The work of eight years was completed in two. In the time between 2031 and 2033, humankind saw the most productive years in its history. Humanity had realized its deepest dream, a dream in which all of its members were united in a noble goal with good intent. For so many years, the darkness of the species had reigned over the planet, and now a new era had begun.

            The future is never what you think it will be.

            After four million people left the planet on the ship that would take them across the universe, the remaining population decreased dramatically. The AIs left the blueprints for the future of human civilization in the hands of the few world leaders that were left on earth. Then the AIs left. The old population that was sensibly left behind in the care of individuals who had elected to stay behind quickly died off. After fifteen years, the population had decreased to 1.5 million. Cities started to be abandoned in favor of smaller agrarian based communities, as food was easily and quickly grown due to the advances previously made by the AIs. In 2041, the cities of the world were being closed. The streets were cleaned, and the unoccupied houses and offices were cleaned and closed. In 2048, New York City was officially closed, marking the end of settlements with large populations. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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