My Bucket List: 40 Things I Want to Do Before I die

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Hey, I was board so I decided to make a bucket list *hold for aplause but hears crickets* damn crickets, they should stop stealing people's thunder >.<

aaaaaannyway! Here's mah bucket list! (Make fun of it and I'll hit chu o.e)

[Note: it's not going from greatest to least important; I was just writing down what came to mind that I wanted to do before I die]

{ANOTHER note: I seem to have written that vvvv partly saying "you". Idk why... And I'm too lazy to go back and edit (it IS two in the morning e.e)}

1, attend a PTV concert (okay, I lied, this might be one of the things I most want to do :P)

2, slap someone (what? I've never slapped anyone! I want to at least do it once in life..._.)

3, say "fuck you" to the pretty boys in parliment while why all do the Gangnam Stlye dance (okay, I know that's pushing it a lil ;D)

4, lose my V card to the guy... You know, the guy that'd actually stick around.

5, become a vampire! (I will suck chur blood! Mohahaha!)

6, get a tattoo of a bird on my left shoulderblade, and a black star beside my pubic bone (LOL... I've always wanted one.. I just don't like the thought of pain e.o)

7, Meet C-Bear <3

8, meat Rawr <3

9, meet E-Bear (AKA, Kitty =^.^=) <3

10, meet Hunter <3

11, meet Nom (hehehe) <3

12, meet Chloe and Ace <3

13, finally say "Fuck you" to the people who keep hurting me... >.<

14, slap Rawr upside the head for dussing vaginas (I will so hit you dude)

15, finally tell Jem that I like him, and I have always liked him since I met him in January at youth...(eh, who am I kidding-- I never have enough nerve to tell a guy I like him so ehh >.<)

16, find out what it's like inside a guy's mind (chu guys are a freakin' mystery)

17, have sex in the rain (don't even ask)

18, get mt life sorted out.

19, stop cutting and hurting myself.

20, tell them the truth. Tell them all.

21, somehow find Dareck again and thank him for helping you change into who you are now. Tell him that you still love him and that he would always be your first love.

22, go camping in a forest and get bitten by a werewolf (what? I WANT TO TURN INTO A FURY CREATURE!!!)

23, meet Damian before he dies... Give him the cutest bunny hug ever.

24, make them all stay, never leave. 'cause when people leave, another part of you is torn out. </3

25, meet Anthony and tell him he was... Special. One of the two people who had ever sucseeded in making you smile a real smile..

26, tell Anthony that you miss him. (I have, but no reply)

27, dance in the rain with someone you love.

28, finally say "Fuck you" to him.

29, tell Jonny you like him.

30, meet Hollywood Undead.

31, watch a scary movie that actually scars you.

32, be able to smile and actually mean it.

33, tell Emie that she is really mean to people-- and apologise to all the people she's insulted/ critisized/ disliked/ been rude to.

34, tell Isaac he should get a haircut.

35, watch every single anime known to man (and aliens <3)

36, GET A BLOODLY POSTER OF MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE (I swear every HMV store I go into says they don't stock any >_<)

37, mend the non-existent bond with my dad.

38, tell my mom i'm sorry-- for everything.

39, help as many people as I possibly can.


40, be myself. Let people love or hate me without it bothering me. Don't care what they think. Be true to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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