Poem for CASA high school

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Shall we take injustice laying down;

Shall we evil rule forevermore?

We have let this wickedness rule the Earth;

Yet our race contradicts itself.

As we let love abate;

While hatred abolishes everything.

Why have we not yet learned;

That only light can penetrate the darkness.

As love can repeal hatred,

The most intense loathing healed by so.

The hopeless can still find hope,

As the broken can still feel.

Love is now filled with hostility;

And lust as if you never knew passion.

Love is not physical;

It is of the deepest emotion.

You feel love with everything you have;

It is emotional and mental and it may break you.

Love is a feeling, deeper than you know;

Deeper than you can ever imagine.

Love blind us;

Yet we choose not to see the dark.

Hatred blinds us of light;

Until we see only darkness.

me being a crackhead kindaWhere stories live. Discover now