Chapter 2

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It was one of those days. When rain fell like little diamonds falling to earth, and the patches of sunlight sparkled off the puddles. When the air smelt fresh and bright. It was the sort of day that made me feel sparkly and hopeful. The sort of day that made me want to go out and dance in the downpour.

I toss my soaking wet hair over my shoulder, smiling down at my soaked shirt. I nudge Rylin and Cody's trikes aside with my foot and step into the house. My icy bare feet press against the hardwood floors, and I look around for my phone.

The rain pattered on the roof like a soft symphony of background music.

"Rachel Adele Lewis! What have I told you about coming inside soaking wet?" Mom shouted from behind me. I wince, turning around slowly.

"Not to?" I say, giving her a guilty smile. "But I'm not as wet as I was last time! That counts for something, right?"

"Go upstairs and shower!" Mom said, pointing up the stairs. She was a rounder woman, with brown eyes that I inherited and blonde hair that the twins got. She had a warm smile and a twinkling laugh that was infectious. But she also had an iron core, and would not tolerate us breaking her rules.

"Fine," I groan turning to the stairs and walking away from mom.

"You've got water on your butt!" She called after me.

"Mom!" I cry and run up the stairs. I hear her laughing behind me.


After running a quick hot shower, I'm torturing myself with a hairbrush in front of a mirror when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I shout, wiggling out of the partially closed bathroom door. My book had finally gotten here! I'd ordered it weeks ago, but the package had been delayed. 

I jog down the stairs, still struggling with the hairbrush. I jump down and toss the brush on a shoe bench, fiddling with the lock. I swing the door open and look at the porch.

But instead of a package, there's a pair of soaking wet sneakers. My eyes trail up, taking in dripping black sweatpants, a soaking grey hoodie, and a pink, freckly face.

"Zander!" I cry, swinging the door open more. His hair was disheveled and his cheeks were pink from running. He was slumped on the door frame, panting. "Did you run all the way here?"

"Yeah," He panted, glancing up at my clothes. I was just wearing black leggings and a purple tank top. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to make the rat's nest die down.

"Come in, come in. What's up?" I say, backing away from the door so he could step in.

"Just . . . gimme a second." Zander wheezed, sitting down on the stair.

"Yeah, yeah. Why did you run here anyway? You haven't run since the last fundraiser for school." I say, shutting the door behind him.

"Needed to get here fast." He said. The pink was starting to fade from his cheeks. He ran his hands through his already messy hair and shook the water droplets off.

"So what spurred this sudden need to see me?" I ask, leaning on the door.

"You're good with technology, right?" He asked, looking up at me.

My heart flutters at the sight. Zander had the bluest blue eyes I'd seen on a human being.

"I like to think so," I respond, ignoring my beating heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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