Chapter 2

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🎶Cause I've seen love die, way too many times, when it deserved to be alive🎶-emergency, paramore

Right as I see the evil group of bitches come over to me. I immediately panic. I start sweating, my legs get numb, I feel like I can't breathe and the tears come to my eyes. I'm not scared. Hell no. But having a panic attack is one of the scariest things ever so my body reacts to it. I probably look like a lil pussy rn. But I can't think about that. These bitches r the bitches of the school. Jorden is the head of them. We've hated each other since 6th grade when she ditched me and told my secret to the whole school on a bus. That's when the anxiety started. Ever since she's gotten popular she's gotten bitchier and sluttier. It's just gross.
"What do you think your doing Jessica?" Jorden said.
"It's Jenna. And wat do you mean"
"I mean, y r u looking at the new kid like that. It's disgusting"
"I was just looking, geez"
"Whatever losers, let's go" she signaled to her posse.
I swear I almost past out. Talking and facing a panic attack is just pointless. Luckily I don't sit with anyone so no one was there to say anything.
"Btw I can and will use wat I saw against you" Jorden said over my shoulder once her friends left.
•at the hospital before•
I was laying in the hospital bed with an IV in my arm and a remote in my hand flipping through the channels on the tv. When I saw jorden standing across the hall on the phone. She saw me and ended the call with a grimm smile on her face.
"Wow, ur actually pathetic enough to try and kill yourself" she said as she walked in my room.
"How did you know I tried to kill myself?"
"Well ur the mental ward of the hospital, you hav bandages on ur arms, and your life is that pointless"
"Well aren't you a joy. Now can you leave. No one is supposed to be in here"
"Sure once I get a pic of u in these bandages and post it."
"wtf no. Get the hell out"
"Only if u do something for me" she said with a twisted look
"U can't tell anyone u saw me here. K?"
"Um ok. I wasn't gonna but sure"
"Good. Now u hav to promise not to ok?!"
"Omg ok. I promise. That means u wont tell either. We were never here right?"
Then Jordan left
Wat? Jorden promised. If she says anything, then the whole school will know. And they'll tell my parents. Everything is screwed up.

Once I got out of school. I waited in the bathroom til most ppl left the lockers to get my stuff. I got my bag and binder and headed downstairs to the doors. When I saw the guy again. The new guy with the green day shirt. I decided not to say anything. I mean I can't talk to anyone so y try. But then he came over to me. I started panicking again. And for once someone noticed. No one notices. Even my therapist says that I hide it so well she wouldn't even know I was panicking if I didn't tell her. But he, he noticed. Idk if it was good or bad.
"Hey, I saw ur shirt and it's pretty cool. I mean fall out boy is awesome."
He kinda rambled for a minute to. I was still panicking tho. It was a small panic attack tho.
"Thx. Ya I saw ur shirt too. Green day is really awesome"
And then like some freak I walked away. Not even walked. I friggin power walked. And now the only person that was nice to me thinks I'm crazy. Great.

I got home to the great and wonderful horror of my parents...

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