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When Dr. Strange tells Wanda that there is a multiverse.

Wanda: So these different Earths have different events then us?

Wanda's brain: PetrioPetrioPetrioPetrioPetrioPetrio

*Wanda cries*

Petrio's ghost: Time to go Haunt someone


Someone dares say something bad about Wanda

Petrio: So you have chosen death


Vision likes Wanda

Petrio's ghost: Hell no. My sister and a toaster?


*petrio comes back in the MCU somehow*

Petrio: Wanda I'm back

*5 minutes later after 2 slaps and crying*

Wanda: Vision will be so happy when hears your back

Petrio: That reminds me, Really a toaster. I remember the ice cream machine being free!


*Vision and Wanda watch a movie*

Petrio: I just remembered that there is a fish in Florida that needs food come Wanda let's go help that Fish

*Petrio Drags Wanda away*

Vision: Hello Darkness my old friend

Btw Crystal is Petrio's wife

*Crystal and Vision exist*

Wanda and Petrio: I don't like you

*Vision and Wanda sit together is silence*

Tony: I have never been embarrass by my creations yet Vision seems to be the exception

Petrio walkers in the kitchen, and noticed Wanda.

Petrio: Time to go fast

Maximoff twins one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now