Understanding Amity

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Takes place right after Understanding Willow~

Amity watches the red butterfly invitation fly off with a smile before averting her attention to the ground below her and lets out a sigh. She plays the events of today over and over again in her mind. "Unless... there's something in there that you don't want me to see." Of course she didn't want Luz to see that memory. She was a complete jerk to Willow for years and why? Because she was too afraid to stand up to her parents? Amity lightly slaps her hand over her face and lets out a groan. She was only doing it to protect her. She was only doing it to protect her. She was only doing it to protect her. No matter how many times she repeats it in her head she can't help but think it's a lie. Sure it started out as her just protecting Willow, but somewhere along the way she got so caught up in becoming little miss perfect that her priorities changed.

The green haired girl was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't even notice she had made it back home. The house was quiet again; she figured her parents were at the Emperors Castle as that's where they've spent most of their time these past few weeks. She just sighs and makes her way up the steps to her room. As she gets closer to her room she can hear the muffled bass coming from the room just beside hers. She debates telling off the older blight again but decides she's too tired for that and heads straight to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Amity stands in front of her mirror and unties her signature half ponytail while taking in her appearance. She frowns slightly at her reflection staring back at her. She had never been too concerned with her looks as she never felt the need to impress anyone. Everyone had always thought highly of her due to her academic talent, but recently her appearance mattered more to her as there was someone she wanted to impress and not just with some showy spells. A smile makes a way onto her face as images of the human girl flash through her mind. Her face quickly starts to heat up as she thinks of the contact they made today. A hand makes a way onto her arm and squeezes it, trying to invoke the same feeling that Luz had brought out of her earlier.

The vibration in her pocket snaps her out of her trance and she shakes her head as if she could shake out the thoughts. She reaches into her pocket and unlocks her scroll to see a string of messages from Penstagram. She plops down on her bed as she reads through what she missed.

your.star.boscha: Hey girls! So are we wearing matching outfits to the party?

skaraxoxo: We don't have to just make sure you look nice ladies! Which you all already do :)

your.star.boscha: Ofc we do!! Well im wearing a purple dress in case we do end up matching.
I'm gonna go get some beauty rest, night girls!

Skaraxoxo: Night!! Sleep well.
Seen by your.star.boscha, witchchick128, and 2 others

Amity poked at her scroll typing out a few words before deleting them. She furrowed her eyebrows and swiped out of the conversation after deciding to just not respond. She was met with a never ending stream of posts on her feed and mindlessly scrolled through. She eventually decided to take a trip to her own page and internally cringed at a particular post. It was just a picture of her and her former friends with a caption about conjuring night, but it was the hashtag that had made her upset. '#HUMANSCANBITEIT' She cringed before quickly deleting the post, hoping she could pretend it never happened. With that Amity turned her scroll off and set it on her nightstand trying to push away the racing thoughts in her head. She let sleep overcome her as she knew she had a new set of problems she'd have to deal with tomorrow.

A/N: Hey guys :) so this is my first time trying anything like this so i'm totally open to criticism as long as it's done nicely. I probably won't continue this unless someone asks for it, but if i do the next chapter will be about amity writing the grom note. thanks for reading, have a good day/night everyone!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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