It's Not Your Fault

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Mike didn't know what to do. But to be honest, nobody in the room did. It took a total of 62 seconds for Tina Cohen-Chang to run out of the room, followed by a worried Santana and Mercedes.

It wasn't like Mike wasn't still in pain, his mark still really hurt, but the look of confusion and horror on Tina's face made him forget everything. At least his friends had the decency to stay quiet, and didn't ask any questions, but he could tell everyone was trying to figure it out.

Mike simply didn't have the energy to stay standing, and found himself a bathroom wall to slowly slide down, bringing his knees to his face. Why did this have to happen to him?

Noah Puckerman was the first to break the tension, though the question not as joyous as it would have been two weeks ago "Shit man, what in the world is happening?" Mike attempted to laugh at him, but the pain made it difficult not to grunt, "The universe hates me."

The remaining former glee club members shuffled around, finding a place to sit and ponder. Two too many situations were happening, everyone's gears turning in their heads.

Artie would probably be laughing right now, saying how this could be a great plot for a movie.

Everything just felt wrong, he just lost an old friend and his ex(who he was still in love with)'s name was now carved into his side. He just didn't get it, what did this all mean?

Santana Lopez then walked in, a wet spot by her shoulder, "Me and Cedes are gonna being Tee back to Artie's parent's house. I think this is all a bit too overwhelming for her, she's a mess." She walked over to one of the sofas to grab her bag and started to head out when Mike couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Can I talk to her before you go?"

Santana shook her head, biting her lower lip, eyes sad as she replied, "No, she's not ready for that, and I don't think you are either." and Mike didn't protest, and nodded back at her. Sam stood up once they finished, patting a comforting hand on Mike's shoulder before grabbing his phone off the table. "I'll come with you guys, I'll drive." And the two walked out, leaving Mike with pitiful glances.

Quinn Fabray made her way next to him, wrapping her arms around him. "It's going to be okay, it's not like you could have prevented any of this from happening. Just give Tina some time to process all of this, it's been a hard week for her."

Blaine Anderson nodded beside them, and continued, "Not that you don't have to process it too, it's just that everything is happening so fast. Wait till the funeral's over, then bring it up to her."

Rachel Berry was next to speak, having kept her words to herself the entire time. "Just know this isn't any of your fault Micheal, and whatever happens, we'll all be here, no matter what."

Mike slowly limped out of the bathroom, scrambling around for his belongings, "Thanks guys, but I think I need to be alone for a bit." And he made his way towards the door, but was interrupted by Kurt, "Hey, take my car. I know you came here with Sam and Mercedes so you don't have a car. And there's not exactly anywhere for me to go. Just be safe."

"Thanks, I'll see you guys." And he took the car keys from Kurt and headed out.


When he was seventeen and was gifted a car for his birthday, he would constantly drive around town alone, windows down and drinking in the fresh air.

He would bring Tina out for rides to see the sunset, circling their favorite lakes to swim in, planning picnics or go skinny dipping.

But he wasn't seventeen anymore, and as much as he wish it wasn't, life wasn't as simple as it was seven years ago, though back then it felt as complicated as it could get.


The funeral was as exciting as a funeral could get, so not at all. It just consisted of Artie's family of 7, old glee club members, some family friends and some close coworkers of his.

The reception was fine, quiet and somber, hints of Artie Abrams scattered all over the room. Mike tried not to get to involved in many conversations, just finding a corner to drink his glass of red wine. So he stood from afar, huddled with Puck and Sam, trying not to stare at her, dressed in black and just sitting there, playing with her fingers.

Tina was supposed to make a speech about her late soulmate, as tradition would say, but she ended up sobbing too hard to let any words come out, and was quickly replaced by Arties mom.

Mike hadn't been to many funerals before this, his parents didn't have many relatives in the states. The last one he went to was for Finn, though it was more of a memorial that a funeral.

They hadn't even reached their thirties, and two of them were already gone.

He hadn't registered that he was moving until he was in front of her, and he sat. And they sat in silence for a few minutes, and Mike could feel the gazes of his friends on them, questioning and cautious, and Mike didn't have to think to know this was a bad idea.

"Do you think the universe knew that he was going to die? And just wanted him to have someone to love before he did?" Her voice was scratchy and low, the tears having dried out, and he wasn't sure if she wanted him to reply.

"He was going to propose," and Mike's eyes widened, not having heard the news. "I found the ring in the pocket of one of his jackets. We were going to have a life together." Mike decided to let her talk, not finding any words suitable to reply with. He felt horrible, knowing that he had something to do with her soon and confusion.

"And now we don't get to have one because of some stupid kid." And the next thing he knew, Tina's head was on his shoulder, tears threatening to spill over, her hand preventing her from crying out.

He could feel everyone staring at them, the sight of the girlfriend and her ex, but nobody looked angry or concerned, just sad. So he let her cry, and she cried until the sun set.


The night ended with Rachel, Mercedes and Quinn singing a list of Arties favorite slower songs. Everyone just sat there, enjoying the memories of him, remembering his presence. And slowly, few by few, people started leaving, giving their condolences to the Abrams family.

It was around 9pm when Tina decided to get ready to leave, leaving Mike sitting there. "I should get going, the will reading is tomorrow morning and I should probably get cleaned up."

"You sure you'll be okay alone?" And Tina nodded, reassuring him. "I'm staying with his family, so I'll leave with Artie's mom." And so she made he way to where Mrs Abrams was standing by the door.

"Hey Mike, thanks for everything. I know this can't be easy for you either. And just know that I don't blame you for any of it." She told him, smiling sadly before leaving.

Mike's thoughts were interrupted by Sams voice, nodding his head towards the door. "You ready to go?" And Mike nodded back.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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