Crashing Into You

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When I was a little girl I would sit by the fire with all my family members around and dream of the day when I could see the world. As I got older and I was on the verge of graduation, I knew I needed to let go of fears and jump into the unknown. Which for me was going to school in a different country. As I boarded the plane leaving my life behind I wondered when I'd return. I took my seat next to the aisle by this businesswoman with her laptop out and her earbuds in. I put my bag in the overhead bin and my smaller bag by my feet. I sat down with a little bounce and put my seatbelt on in preparation. I people watched wondering why they were going to the places they were going, who were they going to see. I sat there anxiously waiting for what would be there on the other side of this flight. Once the plane took off and went into cruise, I took my seatbelt off and settled in for the long ride. Later the flight attendants passed out blankets, and as I drifted off to sleep I was anxious for the morning.

I woke up feeling tired, and anxious still. When we landed in Edinburgh I grabbed my bags and waited in the line of people to get off. I walked into the airport nervous about what was going to happen I started to walk towards the baggage claim and bumped into someone. My bags on the ground and my papers on the floor. I went down to grab my things.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I looked up and a man with blazing red hair smiled at me. He started to laugh.
"You're fine, I wasn't looking either." His thick Scottish accent in my ears. I stood up, and his red curls and blue eyes stared into my soul.
"So, why are you here?" I asked.

"Well, I came here to pick up my friend, she was visiting California." I nodded.
"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm starting University at Edinburgh. Do you go there?" He shook his head.

"No but I live near it, I didn't get into Edinburgh, so I go to a different school." I nodded.

"I see"

"But my friend goes there, maybe I could introduce you two!" I looked at him happily.

"That would be amazing!" He smiled and showed me over to where he was going to meet his friend. All of a sudden this short brown-haired woman ran out to meet him. She squealed and smiled.

"I've missed you!" She said. Then she moved her gaze to me.

"Who's this? Your girlfriend? She's pretty!" I shook my head.

"No, I just met him actually." She wrapped her arm around me anyway. As we started walking to the baggage claim, where I found my blue suitcase.

"My name is Gillian, and I'm sure he didn't introduce himself, but his name is Jamie." Gillian put her hand out for a shake.

"Rose." And I shook her hand.

"With a name like that, we'll be friends instantly." We both laughed.

"It'll be nice to know at least two people in Edinburgh. And Gillian I'm hoping you can help me around the university." She nodded.

"Of course!" We stepped outside and Jamie leads us to his car. I got in the back after we put our luggage in the trunk.

"So one thing you should know Rose is that we call a trunk a boot. Don't ask why, I don't know why." I nodded.

"That's good to know." And faced out the window. I watched as all the buildings and people passed by and watched as we came closer to the university. I was astonished at its beauty.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Jamie said.

"Yeah," I said amazed. Jamie pulled up to a spot and parked. Gillian hopped out and grabbed her luggage then headed for the door.

"Thank you, Jamie! See you later!" She said running to the door. I slowly pulled out my luggage.

"Thank you, Jamie, I wouldn't have found two people I can talk to today if it wasn't for you." He laughed.

"Well, you are very kind." I blushed.

"Can I have your phone number? Or something?" I asked. He pulled his phone out.

"Here's my phone number, I don't really have anything else." I smiled.

"Thank you," I said. He smiled and got back into his car. Gillian opened the door.

"Come on loser!" I turned and smiled. I ran into the building. We climbed the stairs to find my room number. I mumbled 325 under my breath.

"Here!" I said stopping in my tracks.

"Well, I'm right down the hall if you need me! Jamie invited us over tonight so I'll come by then." I nodded. She ran off and I took a deep breath. I opened the door to find a woman with black hair looking out the window.

"Hello," I said. She turned and greeted me.

"I'm Lizzie, you?"

"Rose" she smiled and hugged me. Once I organized my things and set up my bed there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find Gillian.

"Hi, Gillian!"

"Come on girl, it's time to go!" I peeked in the mirror I had thrown my hair up into a messy bun and headed out the door. Gillian pulled me all the way out the door to Jamie's car. He started it and headed off to his apartment. He leads us up a set of stairs and opened the door.

"Wow! Your apartment looks so nice!" He laughed.

"I did a deep clean before you guys came." We all laughed and sat on the couch. As the sunset and we talked until our mouths were dry, Gillian decided to get food. Jamie sat closer to me.

"You look nice tonight." I laughed as he leaned in and our lips crashed together.

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