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"He kissed me like he misses me, even before I have to go."
-C.J. Carlyon



As soon as I had my back car door opened Axel flew out. He was brutally quick for his age and even faster when taking his seat belt off from what I've noticed. I was just as fast to grab his arm before he got to far away and closed the door. My phone rang for the fourth time since we got out of school which I rolled my eyes at seeing it was Toby again.

It's been Two weeks since the commotion at Noah's when the whole love thing came crashing down. Not that it was a bad thing, although it made me nervous how fast I could fall for him. The week following that we had a few dinner dates after school, a couple adventures to the least crowed parks we could find with Axel. After the weekend before last weekend Noah left to go a state over for business for a few days. He called me every night right after he called Axel before his bed time, telling me how shitty it was doing business and being away from me (his words I swear).

It being Friday again and Axel upset Noah took longer than promised I decided we should get ice cream. Toby was adamant about himself or another guard coming to get us to escort us. Nothing against Toby since I knew it was Noah's directions but I was tired of being babysat. After all Noah assured me that in our city nothing would happen so why should I be worried. It took me raising my voice about my own freedom but I convinced him we wouldn't be long.

"What kind, buddy?" I asked Axel once at the counter.

"Hmmm. The pink one, it's dads favorite." He beamed at me.

"Alright. We will have to eat fast though because Toby is a worry wart." I poked him on the nose and he laughed.

Just like I expected nothing happened and soon we were walking in the giant doors of what I've started calling Noah's Estate. Toby was standing with his arms crossed across his chest in the entry hall. Peter, another guard I've met quite a few times, was standing next to him. I sent Axel off to find Maya before bringing my attention fully to the two large men.

"Wren, you know what King said." Toby scolded me like a child.

"I'm not five, Toby. I don't need a babysitter all the time." I shook my head.

"Birdy, we know, but—" Toby tried with a pleading tone.

"But nothing. Cut the bullshit, Wren, don't put yourself and others in danger." Peter pointed a finger at me.

"I wasn't in danger!" I threw my hands in the air.

"Do you even fucking know what kind of enemies are out there? The kinds of things people would do to simply get under the Kings skin?" His voice was rising and he took a step forward, making me shrink back.

"Peter, I'm—" I started to apologize wanting the argument to end.

"Pete," Toby put a hand on his shoulder as Peter blew up on me.

"You can't just be that stupid. Don't be such a brainless little girl and think before you act for once for fucks sake. You're just going to get yourself or the King killed, I've asked myself more than once what he sees in you, bitch." He sneered.

My hand shot out and slapped him across his left cheek as soon as the insult left his mouth. My arms pinned to my sides as I felt my face burn with sadness, anger, embarrassment and of course realization. The realization that I tried so hard to forget about the dangers surrounding Noah's life that they were mine now too. Realization that maybe I was out of my league being in this world, rich people, threats, illegal business I had no clue how to comprehend. Tears pricked my eyes as I just felt weak and useless, near pointlessness.

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