chapter 3

39 1 0

Damiens pov

what just happened. Did chiara just lose a game based on luck?

"weird" I hear her say and throw another ring( you get three chances). she misses again. chiara picks up her third ring and throws. another miss.

panicked Chiara picks up a bucket of 50 rings, and as I give the booth man money she tosses the whole bucket and tosses the contents over the bottles. they all missed

she frowned "this booths a scam lets go"

I follow her to a nearby spin the wheel booth and she spins it. it doesn't land on the number "honestly are these all scams?" she yells exasperated

"its not worth it, lets leave we can go to a nearby restaurant" I comfort her with a smile(while seething inside at the stupid scam booths)

"mm k" she smiles I glance back at the scam spin your wheel booth and see a group of girls crowded around(do they always travel in packs?). 

"be back in a sec" I tell Chiara who nods and says "no prob I'll ask around to find a good restaurant" 

that booth cheats us out of our money? well I'm going to warn those girls and cheat it out of money for a change! take that!

I walk up and open my mouth to speak when suddenly "omg guys I won!" the girl in front yells and the booth guy hands her a prize 

wh-what how could Chiara lose a winnable luck game? how could- 

suddenly my conversation with mom comes to mind 'nothing I have' could-could mom have taken Chiara's luck in return for my wish? can she do that?

"hey I'm back! the people here are super misinformed! I had to ask 5 people before getting a answer about a restaurant!" Chiara says "but there's a great Chinese place two blocks away! I would have preferred Italian though so there's probably one around here, want to ask some more?"

"actually I'm not feeling very well" I tell her a sick feeling in my stomach "maybe another time"

Luck, Revenge and Love(Trails of Apollo)Where stories live. Discover now