Anglo Saxon Boast

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         I queen of klutzes and music the daughter of Angel, have went through many battles. I have been
through many rough obstacles, I have been bullied, and I have gone to many schools. These
battles have led to scars but I have conquered what they said I couldn't. For I have accomplished many things as well. I was in a play as a girl, I have good grades,
I'm kind, and I have sung for 3 years in choir. People see me as a gay, graceful, giggly,
Girl but I am not always this way, I am gothic, girly, a fighter, a giver, bipolar, and fun loving.
I'm a blonde that can be blunt and bold.
They call me white but I am technically multiracial.
I have always loved crafting, drawing, singing, dancing, cooking, baking
And anything else that lets my creativity flow.
Music is my air a lot of what I do is revolved around music.
I wouldn't be here or able to function without music because it helped me in my darkest days.
One day I will succeeded and graduate from my senior year in school.
I hope that I get a decent job during or before college so I can pay for anything I needed.
my fantasy lover is someone who is taller than me, respectful, passionate, understanding, and playful.
I want him to know that I'm not a doll and I should be treated like the queen I am.
I don't want to be a dead rock, I want to be a star in my children's eyes.
I want four kids two girls and two boys named Jaehwa, Micha, Cha and Jonghyun.
One of the last things I want to do is become a grandma or even great grandma.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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