Some Butter and Packaging Milk

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Milky and Cookie were silent during dinner. Not that they were having dinner together. They live separately as neighbours. The parents didn't really notice the change. They were dead tired after 10 hours at the factory. And getting to bed was what was mostly in their minds right then.

After 9 pm, both parents were sleeping so soundly. All alone, Cookie decided to do something with his aching heart. Maybe a stroll in the night will do the trick, he thought.

He grabbed his secondhand sweater (bought from a bundle sale) and silently creeped out through the back door. He felt a little better to be outside in the cold night air. 

He walked a little farther from his home until he came into a some kind of clearing where the boys in this little village used to play football. There he lied down right in the centre of the clearing and gazed up into night sky. His fingers laced up at the back of his head. 

The sky was clear and not a trace of clouds can be seen on that night. And without the light pollution like in the city, you can see the stars scattering the night horizon. 

But best of all, it was full moon that night. 

And sadly no one to share it with. 

To him it was uncomplete. Like eating cookies without the milk. You can still eat the cookies with no problem. But somehow deep inside you, you know there's something missing.

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