Hand In Hand

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The younger crowd, their old friends and label mates, other idols and dancers all stayed and as the sky started to go orange with the approach of evening, the photographer called people for more photos with the different lighting.

They were all a bit more loose now, many people having silly photo's done. Felix and Chan taking almost racy looking once, friends were behind the photographer cheering a laughing at the different couples now trying to one up each other. Felix and Chan bowed out when Woosan came through with the WAP.

Seonghwa stopped Mingi before he could even take Yunho over again. He didn't want to see what was worse than the WAP.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong took some nice photos. Some romantic ones.

Jackson tried to pose on his own but was soon crowded with BamBam, then Yugyeom who ended up recreating James bond and the bond girls.

Seungmin was dragged over shyly by Sungjin to take some pictures. Seungmin hid his face at first as everyone clapped and cat called them. Seungmin quickly lent into it though and held onto Sungjins biceps and bit his lip. The cheers grew wild and Seungmin tried to flee, only to be pulled back. It made for some cute shots.

At one point, Han set up with a guitar on the mini stage meant for Karaoke and called peoples attention over. It was a romantic stage and Han called Changbin up.

"Ok, Mr. Chan Lee Bang," Han said in English and Chan rolled his eyes. Changbin set up on a piano. "As a lot of you know, my good friend Chan is a talented musician and singer! But before all of that, he had to audition, HIT IT!" Han called and Changbin counted them in.

They began playing 'I'm yours' and Chan cried out as if in pain. Felix laughed and clapped. Han glared at Chan until he gave in and headed up, his old mates patting him and clapping on his way up.

He made it up and joined the song at 'I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back.' There were a few cheers. Minho danced with Hyunjin and Seungmin rested back on Sungjin and they swayed too.

Felix smiled up at Chan

'Nothing is gonna stop me but divine intervention,' Chan sung and winked at Felix who laughed again. Chan even broke his singing to chuckle.

'But I, wont, hesitate, no, more, no, more, it, can, not, wait, I'm yours!' Chan sang and pointed to Felix. Chan got into it then and began bopping around the space as the song played on. The rest of crowd bopping along and calling out cheers.

Chan missed the first few bars of the next verse as he walked off the stage to hold Felix's hand and dance with him having seen him the only one un paired.

'Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love!' Chan sung and spun Felix then kissed him.

'And sing, we are just one big family!' Chan sung loud to lead everyone there to sing it loud with him. 'And it's our god forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved loved!' Chan sung passionately.

Then swayed Felix to continued singing.

'So I, won't hesitate, no more, no more, this is our fate, I'm yours!' Chan lead them in a dance during the music break where Changbin sang the adlibs.

Coming to the bridge, Chan took a step back and still sung to Felix with a smile.

'Our name is our virtue.' He gently guided Felix back to his chest and rested their heads together for the last chorus. Felix also closed his eyes and smiled to listen to Chan sing.

'I'm yours!' Chan sung and kissed Felix. Leaving the rest of the song to just play out.

There was more kisses, then more drinks, then more singing, everyone getting up to take a turn.

"Hey! While stray kids are here, I reccon ya do one of ya dances!" Johnno, Chan's old friend laughed and Minho, who doesn't speak English but understood, spoke to Chan.

"Yeah! You didn't have a first dance, you should do Miroh or something instead!" Minho laughed and Han jumped in.

"No! A normal waltz but we are your back up dancers and we do side effects!"

It's safe to say that didn't happen.

But Chan did rally them up and play 'Ta' where the boys from Ateez danced where they knew the moves and free styled some sexy moves where they didn't. There was no formation. It was a mess, one of the clothes Chan's friend threw up went over the edge.

The only real proper steps were from the performers that dragged people in and showed them the moves. In the circle at the end, they lifted Felix up instead and danced around him until Chan pulled him down worried but smiling. Felix got on his back instead.

They then just let SKZ songs play, Ateez did their best side effects cover. Gods menu came on and they all sung out of tune led by Han and Seungmin on the Mic.

Changbin and Han danced their finding skz dance, There was a twice dance battle, EVERYONE got involved in that, the night dragged on and at one point wow came on and dance racha started to throw it back, almost literally. 

Chan moved his body to the beat around Felix and Minho almost gave Han a lap dance infront of everyone, Jeongin and Hyunjin were grinding together and Changbin had to break them up dramatically, only for Hyunjin to try it on with one of Chan's friends.

They didn't say no. Not when Jeongin joined him and it was quickly becoming a pornographic roof top. 

Changbin changed the song to 3racha wow to playfully shift away from the sexy dancing. Han step towards him though and started acting out the words pointing to Minho. The boys hyped him up as he continued to rap to Minho, everyone laughed at the show.

'I pause for a moment to look into noonas eyes' Han closed in far too close to Minho to stare comically at him.

'I will focus on delivering my inexperienced heart,' Han rap and thrust at him vulgarly. Chan almost fell over with laughter.

'My love potion' Han blew Minho a kiss as his verse ended. Minho lost it laughing.

At the 'WOOOW' everyone joined in and grooved to the beat, clapping the pauses.

Minho gave as good as Han during the chorus and the dirty dancing made a return.

Han turned to start the hype for Changbin as his part came on. Changbin tried to push him away but Wooyoung came over to be he object of attention, parading in, in no other way to put it, like a slut.

They too played it up with San laughing from the side.

Even the boys who didn't know Korean knew the words to this one.

So much so, When Chan tried to shut off before his part, they continued to sing it until Chan joined in. Just drunk enough.

Then it turned into a 3racha listening party, Matryoshka came on, everyone huddled up waiting for that one part... Rapping the parts they knew. The hoard of drunk guys chanting almost drowned out the actual music.

Chan dropped to a knee in the middle of the hype circle to rap his part.

The MAAAAA came and it was deafening.

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