The Haunting of Willow High

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Uh, hi? I feel so bad for not updating The Aftermath, but these little fiction pieces are kinda helping me get back in, in a way? Hopefully, I can finish the latest chapter I'm trying to write...but in good news, Hetalia season 7 was released! Also, ignore my shitty writing up top? Anyways, thank you for giving this one-shot fiction piece a chance, means a lot :)


Rumor has it that a ghost of a high schooler who died in the bathrooms haunts Willow High School. The story tells of a small girl of 5 feet and 4 inches, whose life was taken by an unspecified illness on November 22 at 3:47 in the morning. Her name was Polly Charissa Ayers. Her family and very few friends were devastated, but her peers started to make up stories about her fury, saying she came back to terrorize the other students at Willow High. Years later, the other students still tell of Polly Ayers, some coming to the school after hours and hoping to catch a glimpse of her ghostly figure. Whether the story is true or not, no one ever truly knew.

"Suzie, stay after class, please," Mr. Pettigrew stated as the bell rang for the end of the day. Suzie Knight groaned as some of her peers snickered at her misfortune. She grabbed her backpack and walked over to her teacher's desk.

"Is something wrong, Mr. Pettigrew?" She asked as politely as possible, not wanting to get into more trouble.

"In the nicest way I can say this, Suzie, you're failing my class." Her math teacher looks up at her through his glasses.

"Failing, sir?" Her voice wavered, anxiety creeping up from her stomach to her throat, unsure of what she would tell her parents.

"Yes," Pettigrew responded sharply, "You'll need to get your grade up somehow, and I don't have any extra work for you. The next thing that could help you would be our test on Friday, but you'll need to study hard for it. I suggest staying after school and working here so you could ask questions about the work."

Suzie studied his desk, not wanting to make eye contact as she said, "I'll stay after tomorrow and Thursday." Mr. Pettigrew nodded and told her he'd see her the next day as Suzie walked out of his classroom. As she stepped up to her locker, Suzie's mind raced with the outcomes of telling her parents about her failing a class. Before she could overthink too much, a voice called out her name.

"Hey, Suzie!" She turned her head to the noise, seeing her friends running at her. Roxanna Charles West, Joshua Brennan Clarkson, and Philip Lennie Radcliff. They've all been friends since about first grade, all of them going to the same school since preschool. Roxanna was the shortest of them all. She had dark brown hair, an average build, and hazel eyes. Joshua, or Josh, came in a close second, but Roxanna was the smartest of them. As tall as Suzie, Josh had short strawberry blond hair, was well built, and had blue eyes. Philip was the tallest and cleverer than Suzie, who had straight, long, light brown hair and brown eyes, while he had shoulder-length honey brown hair, a thin build, and had light hazel eyes.

"Hey, guys," Suzie sighed in relief at the comfort of her friends.

"What took you so long? We were waiting to walk home together," Roxanna shifted her weight as she stopped at Suzie's locker.

Suzie slumped as she explained, "Mr. Pettigrew said that I'm failing his class and wants me to stay after school the next few days."

"Really? I didn't think his class was that hard," Philip responded, looking over at the other two.

"Well, I'm not as smart as you three, okay?"

"No need to get mad! We can help you study for the test Friday. Right, guys?" Joshua smiled and nodded at the others.

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