Chapter 15

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Eden didn't know how long she'd been crying in his arms for.

Even worse, she didn't even know why she was crying. At first she was crying because she felt so sorry towards him, and because of everything that happened in the shop combined with the memory of her past. But when he hugged her she began crying harder, maybe because she was touched by whatever he'd done for her. Because despite everything that happened in the shop, he was still by her side right now.

And she wished it could be this way forever.

She knew it couldn't, even if she wanted it to. So when she finally calmed down and his grip on her loosened a little, she dried the tears on her face, and sniffled, breathing out heavily. Then she turned back in the direction they came from. "It's cold. We should go back."

The sun had set completely, and Eden wondered exactly what time it was. But she wasn't going to check her phone. At this moment, she wanted to be fully detached from society. She wanted to remain in her own little bubble - which now included Asbjørn.

In the car, Asbjørn turned on the radio but kept the volume low. He seemed to figure that she might not want to be in such a dejected mood when she reached home, and she appreciated it. She slumped against the window and stared into the darkness. She felt bad that he had to experience this depressed atmosphere with her, so she coughed and spoke up.

"Do you live with your dad?"

He looked at her, probably confused as to why she was suddenly making small talk. "He works in China. I live with my grandparents."


He glanced at her again. "We don't have to talk if you don't feel like it."

She sank back in her seat, unable to understand how and why he was so considerate. Then she realised he probably kept looking over to see if she was okay. "You should keep your eyes on the road, to be safe."

"Ah, yes. I really should."

They finished driving across the long expressway and the familiar district came to view, with the help of some dim streetlights. Suddenly, Eden sat up straight, remembering it was too late for her to be outside. She was supposed to put her brothers to sleep by now. And the helper she hired might have gone back after giving them dinner.

"What is it?" Asbjørn asked.

"I forgot about my brothers."

"It's alright." He parked the car a few metres away from Lle Diogel and stepped out. "Wait for me here."

Eden didn't know whether she should listen to him or not, but either she stay in the car and risk not being home with her brothers, or escape the car and maybe get mugged along the pitch black street. She sighed and leaned back in the seat, when she saw Asbjørn leave the shop with her father in tow. Asbjørn waved to him and re-entered the car.

"What did you do?" she asked.

He ignored her question and gave her a serious look. "Do you want to go home?"

She didn't, but that wasn't the point. "What did you tell my dad?"

Asbjørn let out a sigh and ran a hand through his newly styled hair. He looked at his hand, shocked at the texture he just felt. "Oh, I totally forgot about this. Anyway, your dad went back to check on your brothers. So - do you want to go home?"

She stared at him in disbelief for a few more seconds, before she tore her eyes away. She grumbled in a soft voice, "Why are you so nice?"


"No. I don't. But there's nowhere else to go."

"My home!" Asbjørn answered proudly.

"I am not going to your home." She glared at him.

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