My OCs' Personality

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Parker: Smart; very straightforward when talking; takes a LOT to make angry; also takes a lot to make her laugh; somewhat dull and can make anyone fall asleep when giving a lecture/speech.

Charlie: Very friendly; practically a ball of joy and happiness; seemingly endless amount of energy; extreme extrovert.

Drew: Adventurous; spends more time outside in the woods than inside; she knows everything she would need o know if she had to survive alone in the woods; loves giving out survival tips and how to stay more in shape to the others; DANGER! SHORT TEMPER!

Ryan: Moody; very shy; extreme introvert; draws in a little sketchbook of which no one is allowed to touch; being around to many strangers can make her a little anxious.

Annabel: Absolutely insane; very trigger-happy; crazed fangirl; can momentarily forget that murder is illegal (as well as other crimes); her head is deep in the gutter (very inappropriate).

Adrielle: Evil; does whatever it takes to get what she wants; knows where to draw the line, though; doesn't give two shits about what people think about her.

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