My OCs' Hobbies

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Parker: Reading, preferably non-fiction; sometimes she can be found cooking and trying out new recipes from various cookbooks; this is good, because the other egos can't cook anything besides toast and cereal.

Charlie: Gymnastics; she likes the bars and trampoline best; she also likes painting with watercolors; no one has the heart to tell her that her paintings look like a kid made them.

Drew: Cross-country running; she likes that she can outrun even Charlie; camping and hiking come in a close second.

Ryan: Writing, drawing, and watching youtube, not necessarily in that order; and no, they will not draw what you request them.

Annabel: Watching youtube and anime, and collecting guns; she almost made the world record for the biggest gun collection; almost; she tried to kill the winner, but was restrained by the other egos from doing so; she forgot about the incident eventually.

Adrielle: Collecting knives (surprise, surprise); she is practically a knife expert; (Don't tell her I said this, but she has a secret collection of old, creepy, porcelain dolls. I only know this because Charlie was cleaning Adrielle's room for her birthday. It took a while before she stopped having nightmares about the dolls).

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