The prince of hell

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Asher Lowell was a normal teen boy well, at least as normal as it could get when you're a demon. Other than that he lived a normal teenage life, he had a mom and a dad, they lived in a pretty decent house, he was happy in his situation, had a job which allowed him to meet new people everyday, you see his job was a gate keeper so therefore he let people into hell and made sure they were meant to be there . He didn't exactly want this job but it as passed down from his father and he didn't complain because he got money. As you might have figured Asher was born in hell and is a prince that is because his father just happens to be the king of hell the big man himself Satan, so things for Asher were pretty good until last month. Where his mom died after that his dad was even more strict he also kind of became an alcoholic after about a year or so Asher go sick of it and decided he needed a break so even though he was only 15 he thought he was capable of taking care of himself since he did anyways since his mom died.

Asher had just arrived back at his new duplex he was kinda surprised he was allowed to rent the place depending on the fact he was so young but apparently there were a lot of runaways here, he was currently in London going to Watterson academy he occasionally skipped school take up his fathers habits aka drinking sure this was illegal but who was gonna stop him? His mom was dead and his father was in hell and so what if he got kicked out, he didn't even care about school anyways if he did he would be more responsible and actually go to school.

*beeeep* *beeep* Ashers alarm sounded "uuuugh, why do i even keep that thing on i never go to school anyways, well i suppose I'm awake and Ben is probably worried about me i might as well go today lets just hope there aren't any tests." Asher got up took a shower and got dressed made some coffee (black like his non existent soul) and headed off once he got on the school grounds he took out a pack of cigarettes and went behind the school and smoked one, no one ever went behind the school because everyone knew that it was his territory and they never knew when he was gonna be there, after he finished he walked inside to look for his friend who was usually in the back hallway in one of the unused classrooms. When entering he got a few glares a few looks of absolute fear but this was normal, he got these looks all the time it was because everyone knew something wasn't right with him. When he entered the back halls Ben immediately spotted him "HEY! Asher over here!" Asher turned to his left and saw a short boy with black hair sitting in the corner of a almost pitch black classroom. "Hey Ben, how has school been since I've been going?'' Asher asked as if he was talking to a old friend because he was pretty sure the only reasons Ben was friends with him are either he's felt bad for him or he was too scared to not be his friend because he thought hw would get hurt.

They talked for a bit and when the ball rang they went off to class well Ben did, Asher wandered the halls looking for people the "got in his way" he used the excuse to beat people up for whatever reason usually he was just bored but didn't feel like dealing with the principal and knew that if he had a good reason to hurt someone he would get let off the hook, while the kids in school maybe afraid of Asher the principal wasn't and wasn't afraid to give Asher a taste of his own medicine. Asher didn't find anything or really anyone to entertain him so he decided to hang out in the toilets and play on his phone until lunch then he would meet Ben in the abandoned hallway again, he might go to 6th period but he wasn't quite sure; he would find out later he got tired of sitting in the toilets and went outside for a bit, he didn't use a door though he went through the window and used a rock to hold it open so he could get back in when he wanted to whether that was for lunch or just to go back inside.

It was now lunch and as planned he went to hang with Ben. "So why have you been gone for so long, its been like a month," Ben asked bluntly "uhh, well ya' know how it is,  didn't want to deal with school so i simply didn't," Asher replied. The answer he gave his friend wasn't entirely false school was too stressful and simply un necessary, he really didn't understand how he,mans did it. After a bit of silence and probably Ben processing what was said he finally said "I guess that's understandable, I don't really like it myself, that why i always hang her in the shadows." After that the bell rang for 6th period but Asher just went home.

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