New friends?

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It was now Friday evening, Asher had just gotten back from the pub he wasn't even drunk even though he had quite a few drinks but then again demons aren't exactly phased by alcohol since their bodies aren't exactly real. Asher was sitting on his sofa when he hears a knock on the door, he goes to answer it and standing there is was a girl not much shorter then him, she went to school with him she was a teachers aid but they never really talked, but they had a few conversations here an there nothing too spectacular. "Hi..?" He asked confused as to how she found his house "hi, Asher right?" She asked. "Yeah..., how did you find out where i lived, not to mention how you know me? We never talked," Asher said as he stepped aside to let the shorter girl inside "i have my ways, oh! And by the way, my name is Estney," Asher looked kind of surprised. "Why are you here again? I would like to know this."

Estney explained why she was there after that they just talked about random stuff, like how stupid their school was. Asher even found out that she is also living on her own in a place not far from his own she spouted some stuff about some third wall stuff? He wasn't quite sure because after about an hour of them talking he started getting really tired because that's what alcohol does to demons, that's also why his father always was sleeping when he still lived in hell "well I'm gonna head to bed, feel free to go home or crash on the couch I don't mind either way." To that he got up and walked to his bedroom as soon as he took his shirt off and laid down on his bed he was out like a light.

Ashers dream was unlike any others he had before, it was a nightmare or maybe a warning. He was standing next to a woman with long braided black hair, she was wearing a necklace Asher had remembered he gave to his mother, than it clicked "mom..?" But there was no reply Asher knew what was going to happen next. The woman started moving forward towards what looked like a cliff "NO!" Asher tried to run in front of her but she just walked right through him. She turned and smiled "I'm sorry..." a tear rolled down Ashers cheek "no...."she took one step back and fell.
Asher woke up crying and in an empty house, all alone like always "Saturday..what the hell do people do on Saturdays i never understood it.."

Little did Asher know this girl that he had let into his house the night before knew quite a bit about him and was the person who would always rat him out to his father and was contemplating on taking him back to hell, but would she really do that? Or will they become new friends?

The nightmare of last night haunted Asher he never wanted to see his mother die again but the imagery of it was burned into his memory forever, whitest in their conversation last night Asher and Estney had given each other their phone numbers so he decided to ring her up to talk, and so he could explain somethings. After about a half an hour Estney had arrived at Ashers house

*knock* *knock* Asher surprisingly heard the knocking at the door over the sound of his obnoxiously loud music and he immediately knew who it was. They talked about random stuff for about twenty minutes until Asher finally brought up what he really wanted to talk about "ok....but in all seriousness i need to...tell you something" Asher spouted our between laughs "alright what is it?" Estney replied now being completely serious "you know how violent i am, everyone does...but there is a reason for it, Estney I'm Satans son." Estney smiled at this because it had confirmed what she was already sure about "really?" She kinda laughed "dead serious." Asher looked her in the eyes when he said it because he wasn't sure she believed him, she nodded to reassure him she believed him. He felt a little relived after telling her but he didn't know why, maybe it was because he felt the pressure off of him to tell her, or maybe it was just because now that he got a major thing he had to tell her out of the way he could tell her anything. But whatever it was he wasn't complaining

Monday arrived faster that Asher would have hoped he didn't want to go to school but he figured he should, he wasn't quite sure why but he almost felt compelled to go "ill go late so I don't have to deal with people for as long."
When he finally arrived at school the halls were empty "everyone must be in class, what should I do?"
Estney walked out of a classroom and Asher immediately turns to her "shouldn't you be in class young man?"
Asher glared at her "you're only like six years older than me so shut it," he then turned and walked off leaving Estney stunned since he's never really been mean to her before
Asher walked into the hallway that him and Ben always went to took out his earbuds and MP3 player and started to listen to some of his new downloaded music such as One by Metallica and some other "edgy" rock music.
He must have passed out because the next thing he knew Ben was sitting by him shaking him awake "Hey man, you alright? I've been trying to wake you up for like five minutes now" Ben looked kinda confused "oh yeah I'm fine, I didn't even realize I fell asleep, must've been the music" Asher tossed a smile his friends way "alright, just thought I would make sure and check on you" Ben sounded so nice, Asher took out his earbuds and looked at his friend "thanks"
After that Asher grabbed his bag turned to Ben and said "don't worry I'll be fine" then walked out "I don't believe you..." Ben whispered under his breath to make sure Asher wouldn't hear him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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