When you're stuck on an island

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Aries: Builds a sandcastle before drinking the sea water and dying.

Taurus: Builds a raft whilst freely screaming because you'll never get the same chance to do so.

Gemini: You try to survive with what you find, you also go insane-

Cancer: You just cry, no cap.

Leo: Enjoys their free holiday/vacation.

Virgo: Builds shelter

Libra: You drink your own urine because you couldn't remember how to purify water.

Scorpio: Tans.

Sagittarius: Sends smoke signals and writes "SOS" in the sand

Capricorn: You're so paranoid all the time you would have never even got in this situation in the first place-

Aquarius: Farms the entire island

Pisces: Befriends all the animals.

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